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"Ready for the big day?" Papa beamed as I wandered to the kitchen counter to fix some coffee.

"Do I have to be?" I mumbled, setting the pot on the stove and pivoted to face him across the counter. "You know I don't have to be in such an expensive college. I can always go for public universities." Besides, I was enrolling in the mid of the session. That was bound to be overwhelming.

He looked at me past the newspaper. "Nonsense," he muttered and set the papers down with a quick rustle. "This university promises a bright future and I want the best for you."

"But Papa—"

"This subject isn't open for debates," he told me and I deflated. "After everything our family has been through, you need it."

"Universities don't matter," I grumbled softly and he scowled at me. "It's always upon the students to build their futures." I never understood the appeal about the jazz that followed brand names; locals did the trick anyway.

"Except they don't offer the best opportunities and exposure." His voice was gentle and I grabbed the pot from the stove. "I don't want you to wind up like me, darling."

"I know," I mumbled again and poured the coffee into the mugs. "Anyway, it's too late to back out now, isn't it?" The tuition fee had already been paid and I couldn't gain second thoughts even if I wanted to.

"You tell me if you need something," he said fervently and I smiled before adding some cream to the coffee. "You know I will do anything for you."

"Of course Papa." I handed him the steaming mug of coffee and he grinned. "You always have and you always will," I added some sugar to the mug and stirred it slowly. "And just so you know, I'm your daughter—I was born ready."

That made him laugh and he blew the steam off the surface of the mug. "In that case, I want you to do your best in that college. Okay? Make me proud."

"Oh I already have my plans," I grinned enthusiastically. "Don't worry. If it all pans out accordingly then I'd be on a scholarship roll next year." I never wanted him to be weighed down by my future.

His features had a tint of pride, triumph and so much love, it made my heart squishy. I loved my father dearly and there was nothing I wasn't willing to do for him, and he knew it.

"You have always made me proud Sambhavna," he admitted placidly and my cheeks flushed.

"Thanks, Papa." I kissed him on his cheek and promised, "I will always make you feel that way."


Caliber Sigma University was grand and exquisite. The students, however, intimidated me; I was starting to gain second thoughts about everything—I failed to imagine myself being friends with the rich kids. I finished the paperwork before the lectures commenced and ambled to take a seat in the front row.

I gauged the fellow students wander into the room as I flipped through the pages of my book. The hum in the room grew louder and I did everything I could to ignore the clamor.

"What do we have here?" That question faltered my attention and I averted my gaze on the woman in front of me. She looked like a classic Goth queen, all back and dark. My gaze was fixated on the piercing on her lower lip. I thought that was so cool.

The laughter in the room coiled into the air and I pressed my lips thinly. "I'm Sambhavna," I told her softly and held my hand out.

She arched a brow and then looked at my extended hand. She scoffed. "And I don't care." The laughter intensified and I retracted my hand quickly. That was exceptionally rude. "That seat is taken." I darted my gaze around my belongings and gulped the lump in my throat. I stared at the floor and then at her. She scowled at me. "Are you fucking deaf or something?"

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