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'No-fun police.'



"Good, that's good." I heard Aagnay's father mutter to his son. "It's your job to keep her on the line and see to it specifically that nothing falls out."

"You don't worry," Aagnay told him reassuringly, and I leaned back against the wall. So that was the deal with them. Son of a bitch had gone too far this time and I knew. I knew Bhasin's pretty lies, and I had to make sure I had him by his throat. "We just need to focus on her."

I was all ears as his father said, "She's already been taken care of." I was fucking psyched to have known the kind of power I was about to establish with Bhasin shortly. I had hit a fucking fortune of a lifetime. "I spoke with her parents tonight. They understand."

I closed my eyes and breathed steadily for my well-being; they couldn't have known I was right 'round the corner. These people were so screwed up in their heads—I wasn't the only one in misery. There was a lot more to the story than I had initially imagined. This smug fucker was about to receive the shock of his goddamned life.

I leaned away from the wall and began to saunter back to the bar to grab drinks. "Oh, there you are," Miara smiled at me after I ordered my drink. "I've been looking for you."

My gaze was drawn to her full, glossy lips. That was one smokin' hot mouth. "Why were you looking for me?"

She pulled her lip ring in between her teeth and fuck—I was getting high on her fragrance. "I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me." Hell no. I wanted to say that, but I couldn't because Miara was a good friend. But I also wanted to get naked with her, and that was the dilemma I seriously avoided getting into. "Don't be a buzzkill now, come on."

I ignored her dark gaze on me before I could do something stupid like kiss her and drank my whisky instead. "It's a community dinner, not a fucking club night," I told her, and she made a tsking noise. My gaze was back on her full lips. "There's no EDM."

"Are you the new no-fun police in the town?" Her hazel eyes were dancing on me and those lips were curved to a smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"I don't hold anything against fun." I was rather pissed at the Bhasins and occupied by the erratic thoughts that were starting to make me flustered. "Where's Vaanya?"

"Why are you looking for Vaanya?"

Because being closer to Vaanya was tempting. My restraint was futile, and I could barely wait to claim her mine. That tough little act she displayed was all part of the chase. "Just curious," I muttered and drank from the glass. I heard my brother call after me and my jaw steeled. That bastard always pissed me off. "See you around, Maira."

I strode to the dinner table and Arijit smiled at me—all fucking robotic at the edges, and I scoffed. "That's my little brother," he said evenly, introducing me to someone I couldn't care any less about. He then went on about how much he loved me and how excellent my life was. A smooth move for selling my life history for publicity.

I smiled and talked just enough to indulge and slipped out of the conversations, the moment it stopped concerning me. My gaze swept from across the room and my lips curved to a smirk. It was time for some fun.

I took my seat beside Aagnay silently, and he didn't bother to look in my direction or acknowledge my presence. I didn't mind because he was oblivious to the bomb that was about to drop. I slid my fingers against my scruff and contemplated my options silently.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Aagnay asked me, and I stilled, averting my gaze to him. "Ranveer isn't around, in case you came looking for him." It didn't take me long to put two and two together. So Vaanya chose to leave with him instead.

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