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I angled the camera just enough to focus on my boobs. I had made sure I had the best costume for the live stream. A couple of weeks had passed and my profile was exploding with viewers. I had a mask on so nobody could recognize me.

I arched my back and toyed with my hair on the nape, my lacy lingerie was on full display for people to watch and enjoy. And boy was I worshiped. I enjoyed the attention. They loved my body and they were willing to pay more to see me more in action. I couldn't complain.

Live streaming was growing on me. It was the only time of the day I was looking forward to. It helped me distract and escape from all the daunting experiences at CSU. My life was a joke. My identity was limited to being the daughter of the criminal. I had next to no friends and I was looked down upon by my peers. I wasn't allowed to sit in the cafeteria and I didn't remember the number of times Maira and Ella tripped me or tossed their food or beverage on me.

The ding of my laptop drew me out of my miserable thoughts and I clicked on the recent notification. I had a text request and I entered the chat room mindlessly. The profile read, The Devil with the happy devil emoticon and I quickly read his text that followed.

The Devil: I couldn't stop myself from approaching you. You are sexy. ;)

Me: It's good that you did and thank you.

The Devil: Are you open for a private show? I'm willing to pay more than your usual.

His blatant text had startled me. I didn't know what I was expecting out of him or her—I had no idea but that caught me off guard. My fingers hovered over the keyboard before I texted.

Me: I'll charge extra if you're kinky. ;)

I removed my mask as I waited for the text which felt like an eternity. I nearly jumped when my laptop chimed.

The Devil: You don't worry about the buck. Focus on all the things I'd make you do.

Reading the text had crept chills on my spine; the profile after all was named as the devil. I wonder who the person was—was it even a man? What was he like and what was his kink? Curiously, I got on my keyboard and typed.

Me: Ooh, that sounds interesting. ;) Are you a boy by any chance?

I pursed my lips and waited for the reply as I slipped into a comfy t-shirt and a pair of yoga pants. My attention was back on my laptop a little after a minute.

The Devil: With a very impressive dick that will rock your world.

The innuendo was so smart, it made me laugh. I was impressed.

Me: You have the charm for sexting.

The Devil: Feisty, aren't you?

Me: Does that turn you on?

The Devil: Not yet but you will get there. When do we begin?

I bit my lower lip nervously. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. He didn't seem like a regular old man who was desperate for a strip show. He seemed...intimidating. My hands were shaking when I typed.

Me: Tomorrow. 5 pm IST.

I shut my laptop the next beat without reading his reply when I heard a knock on the door and Papa wandered into the room with a smile plastered across his face.

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