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Twisted world of deceit.



I assessed the equation on the marker board as she fidgeted with the marker. "Next question," I told her and her laughing eyes glinted.

"So I got it right?" She looked at me in awe and I drifted my gaze on her face. Ishani Mehera was astounding. Only a few classes and she was quick to learn what people took years to master and still failed. My silence made her squeal. "Oh my God! Thank you."

"It's on you," I told her and her smile widened to a grin. "All I did was guide you through it. Don't lose the edge and don't gloat. You have a long way to go."

"They weren't exaggerating when they called you the best." Hearing her say that was unnerving. She had no idea. "If it weren't for you I would have been so lost."

"Why did you choose Calculus if you weren't comfortable with it?" Her astuteness impressed me. She was brighter than most of the women I knew.

"All thanks to my mother who holds the Ph.D. in the subject," she said and chuckled. "She was persistent but she is already busy so I had to take care of it. She'd love to know that I bumped into a Calc genius."

I smirked at her remark. "Nothing a little consistency can't mend." It was uneasy to admit. I wasn't consistent-I was obsessed.

Her gaze lingered on my face for a moment longer and I tore my gaze away as my phone rang on the desk-top. "Solve this one and don't panic if you find yourself stuck. I need to take this."

"Alright, I won't," she said as I fetched my phone. "I know you would help me through it anyway." Her smile accentuated her deep eyes as I pulled the phone near my ear.

I nodded at her as I answer the call from my father.

"Why can't I find the proposal deck on my desk?" I rolled the sleeves up of my black dress shirt after I ignored the exasperation in his tone.

"I forwarded the files to your secretary, my work has been done." I browsed through the book to assign the next equation. "Didn't you coordinate with her?"

I narrowed my eyes on my phone as the line disconnected. "Work and college? Someone has the best of both worlds." Ishani's eyes took a calculating gleam. "I'm wondering what I have to do to be like that."

I had nearly laughed. "I don't know, give up the other worlds, maybe?" I told her and examined the equation on the marker board. "It's wrong."

Her groan was low as she hid her face behind her hands. "Damn it. I thought I had it." She tossed the marker on the desk and I eyed the move silently.

"What did I tell you about panicking?" I drawled as I strode towards the marker board. "The key to solving an equation isn't the formula," I demanded and she tilted her head in agreement. "It's patience. You must be willing to spend hours in concluding the final result."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked skeptically and I turned my head towards her. "You don't spend hours on one freaking equation."

"I have been solving these since middle school, it's not the same," I told her and smirked. "You will get there. Keep at it. Next question." I pivoted to assign the equation and she sighed softly.

"Is there a way I can convince you to join me over coffee for discussing this thing?"

"Your proposal for a date isn't very smooth," I muttered lowly and set my phone on the desk-top. "I have a girlfriend, might I add."

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