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Remaining Incognito.


I bite on my lip ring and tug it as I stare at the screen of my fucking phone. I have read this post an unhealthy amount of times and I'm fucking sick of it.

#The Tattoo Princess: #Exposed

And just when I thought our beloved Tattooed Princess couldn't get worse, she became a gift that only kept on giving. The word is, M already had access to the Psych mid-term papers last fall and that's how she managed to pass the test. And my dumb ass secretly admired her wits. I AM THRILLED TO EXPOSE YOU! Why so stealth M? Did you think you could get away with it without even a notice? You know you can end up with a ticket out of Sigma with this information out in the open now or you could get your Daddy to your graceful rescue, either way, I'll be watching. ;) x.

"You're sucking all the energy in the room," Arijit says and I push to my feet reflexively upon noting his ambush. I turn off my phone and decide to deflect the question as he steps closer to me.

"What was that about?" I inquire after Vaanya decides to sit in my car in the lot and Arijit's brows knit with a frown. "With Sam, what were you talking about?"

His gaze flitters confoundedly and he looks away. "I was just messing with her," he grins and I nod. Arijit is a lot like his late brother, goofy and charming. "Hey, by the way, I wanted to thank you for everything you've been doing so far. I know you loved him just as much and it means a lot that you're here."

"Don't be a dimwit," I say offhandedly. "I wanted to be here. Plus, I did it for Kunal."

He nods silently and shoves his hands in his pockets. "So are you leaving yet or would you like to stay for a bit longer to have dinner with us?"

"What is this? Some Christmas vigil?" I scoff and glance at my wristwatch. "No thanks. It's getting late and Vaanya needs me."

"Is she okay?" he asks, averting his gaze towards the doorway and then back at me. "She was quite upset a while ago and now she's nowhere to be seen."

"Yeah, no, she's cool," I nod quickly but he doesn't look convinced. "It's been tough for all of us and Ella..." I look around to catch a glimpse of her but she is completely out of sight. "I guess she has fled." He nods and I pick my bag and jacket from the table. "Anyway, the service was amazing and thanks for everything," I add and he beams at me. "See you around Arijit, bye."

When I near my car in the parking lot, I find Vaanya tucked in the passenger's seat and staring at the screen of her phone. I yank open the door to the driver's seat and slip in and find her staring at her picture with Ranveer, they are both laughing and I refrain myself from snatching that fucking thing from her hands.

She looks so battered that I don't bother to shake her out of the moment instead, I key in and the engine roars to life in a beat. I pedal out of the parking lot and head straight to Mittal's Residence.

"What if he hates me now?" I hear Vaanya's coarse whisper as I pull around the corner and change gears.

"He loves you Vaanya," I say, my eyes fixated on the streets as the dusk begins to cloak the city and I watch the buildings pass by us. The air is crisp and it looks like it might rain tonight. "I just think it's too much for him to take in."

She sniffles softly before she asks, "What if he never speaks with me again?"

"It's going to be alright," I assert evenly as I glance at the rear mirror. "He won't give up on you so easily."

#EXPOSEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora