10. New Quidditch Season

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Cassie laid awake early in the mornnig. It was about 5 and wasn't quite time for her to get up, but she couldn't sleep. It was almost Halloween and the past couple weeks of her life were basically hell. This weekend would Regulus's first time in hogsmeade and then Sunday is the first quidditch match of the season.  It was going to be Slytherin vs Hufflepuff.

Not that it matter much to her anymore, she wasn't on the team. Her friends were already sulking because they were going to be completely embarrassed this weekened at the game and their wasn't anything they could really do about it. With Warrington as captain it has been hell and the things he thought was acceptable to come out of his mouth at the first quidditch practice of the year was foul and he deserved to be kicked in the balls.


Most of the team were walking to the field together after talking in the locker room. Everyone was on edge, even Crabbe and Goyle, they were thick but amazing beaters.

Once they got to the middle of the field they could see Warrington and one of the Carrow twins waiting for them.

"Alright everyone there are going to be some changes on the team. Not only am I the new captain, but I will be changing roles here," Warrington announces. Everyone can practically feel the anger radiating off of Flint with how mad he was. Warrington was going to be the signular reason of why they lost every game this year.

"First order of business our first game is the same weekend as hogsmeade this year so remember to get back early to rest up," he paused while looking over the team and raising his nose up like he was higher than them. "Zabini," he calls and Aries looks at him annoyed, leaning on his broom. "You are benched until you can prove to me you are a good asset to this team." Basically until he shows him he's a good lackey.

The tense atmosphere grows exponentially and everyone is 10 seconds away from glaring at their new captain, "I will be the new keeper. So Flint you are on the reserves."

"Amycus here will be taking one of your spots as a chaser." Theo, Den, and Cassie all looked at each other, waiting for the punch of who would be demoted or kicked off. None of them wanted one of the others to leave, but they kept their words to themselves.

"Don't worry I've already chosen who will be switched to reserves." The three hold their breath and held their heads high, not trying to look nervous.

The waiting was almost deafening, but when the answer finally came it stuck a knife through Cassie's heart, "Black, you will be on the reserves this year. Also, I want you off my field. We don't need you today. We will be doing drills and going over plans today. Since you're a reserve you don't need to know them that bad, and we are on a tight schedule so I don't have time to explain every term to you. If one of the others is kind enough to tell you later you'll know, but for now you are only to come on Saturdays mornings."

Her mouth dropped open with several of the member of the team and she scoffed. She wouldn't 'understand'? Who the hell did he think he was, she was about to step forward, but Aries grabbed her shoulder for her to wait.

She was fuming with anger, she could only come on Saturday mornings? They practiced several times during the week and they did scrimmages with the other houses on Friday evenings.

Flint stepped forward, about to refute, but Warrington beat him to it, "Oh, but before you leave I want to tell the rest of you that we're no longer participating in the Friday scrimmage. Now you can leave Cassie." Everyone made noises of disapproval and Cassie shook of Aries's hand and marched forward, dangerously close to her captain.

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