Sabals search for Zane

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Sabal's POV

"It's been over a week and Zane still hasn't showed up" I said to Jai as we worked within the field.

Jai wiped the sweat from his bowl and set the basket of grapes on the dirt next to us.

"Are you setting out tonight or at dawn to find him" asked Jai in curiosity.

"I figured I'd set out tonight, so that we can maybe cross through the acid rain without being spotted by anything that may be lingering still" I said as I put my boots back on and placing a heavy basket of corn on my head.

We set off for home where I had immediately packed for my journey. Jai stepped through the door with a sack of food and various weapons on his side. His horse stood outside as did mine.

It wasn't long before we were deep within the forests.

"What are you gunna say to him once you find him" asked Jai calmly trying to make casual conversation as we traveled.

"Well first of all, we are going to confront him about what you think he's been doing to Luna"

Jai's eyes widened "bro, but I don't want my ass beat, I mean I'm sure I can handle him myself but, Zane is crazy, I don't know what he's capable of"

I laughed because I had to agree with him. I had no choice but to.

"Oh yea absolutely, Zane is a fucking psycho, however he is not savage, he only chooses to fight when he has a legit reason and he won't kill unless his life or somebody else's life is at risk" I said with a smile, not expecting to secretly be proud of my cousin for his persistent success at protecting himself with solely his looks.

Once we reached the ashy lands only 3 words escaped my mouth as I saw the scattered bones of vampires across the ashy sands of black.

"Land of death"

Jai reached in his bags and pulled out armor made of leather, which included a full face and head cover along with leather trench coats boots gloves and even closed off sun glasses with not even a little bit of light shone through them.

"Why do you just conveniently have these things on you?"
I asked with a slight laugh and smile mixed.

"Well when you mentioned in your letter to him that you were willing to find him yourself I figured I'd be prepared just in case" said Jai as he handed me the same leathered items.

We started into the land and I have to admit, he had to of been completely terrified in order to cause this kind of damage.

Looking around as we slowly made our way across I could see various vampire skulls scattered across the ash.

The only way a wolf is able to use even 10 percent of his or her powers is if we are either scared to the point of believing death is knocking. Or if somebody we love is in great danger. But even than using the much power is enough to totally break us mentally.

How Zane is even mentally able to lead an entire army of men women and children right after that, completely blows my mind.

Jai tells me that Zane was raping Luna in the Forrest. But I can't bring myself to believe he would even have the capability to do such a thing. For fuck sake the dude can't even hunt without feeling guilt for the creature he killed.

We finely made it to the other side and we shedded our thick layer of leather armor, placing it all within the bags tied to our horses.

Stopping near the Forrest we decided to sleep for the night sense the moon started to rise higher and the sky was turning it's dark blue.

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