Sabals anger

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I woke up and stepped out of the cave to see Sabal sleeping inside the tree.
Damnit why does he have to sleep in the trees, the ground is so much more comfortable.

I chuckled to myself and decided to pull a prank sense my aim is good.

I walked into the cave and grabbed an arrow.

Pointing it for above his head I aimed very carefully and watched it stick right in the tree above his head. Sabal jumped and fell directly out of the tree but landed on his feet like a fucking cat.

"Damnit, I was aiming for the head" I said with a grin.

Sabal brushed what leaves were still laid within his pants.

"Yea yea, I know better than that, if you were aiming for my head you wouldn't have missed"

"Yea I suppose you're right" I said with my hands on my hips. " you better watch out tho, piss me off enough and I might just aim differently next time" I said in a low voice while rolling my eyes.

"Yea ok, when are you going to speak to father about the magic situation?" He asked obviously trying to annoy me even further.

"Yea, I was thinking about that, I kinda decided on never" I said with a smart ass tone.

"You can't run away from the issue all your life Zane"

"Running, who's running?, I simply chose a different way of life and you guys chose not to support me, what the fuck do you expect me to do Sabal?, submit?"

Sabal rolled his eyes and sat cris cross back up in the tree.

"I don't expect you to submit to me Zane, but for fuck sake you're living in a damn cave"

"Yea and you live in a fucking tree like a damn squirrel, what's your point my dude?"

"My point is, you're not making the right choices"

"No, your point is I'm not living the way YOU want me to live so you're making it your mission to make sure I stay in line. Am I right or am I right"

Sabal rolled his eyes again and quite frankly I was sick of it. "If you roll your eyes at me again my dude I'm gunna straighten them out for you"

"Zane I'm not afraid of you" he said with a straight face.

I turned my back on him walking back in to the cave. "Yea? You should be" I said loud enough for him to hear.

Sabal made the mistake of following me into the cave. "This hard ass attitude is getting old my guy"

I turned around and with a quickness I shoved him against the stone getting 2 inches away from his face.

"Is this hard enough for you?!" I yelled loud enough to make Luna jump. Sabal looked at Luna from the corner of his eyes and than back at me.

"You know what do whatever the fuck you want, if you wanna live in a fucking cave and run away from your problems, I ain't losing no sleep over it" he said as he stormed out of the cave walking into the woods where he met up with Jai.

"Bye Sabal, when you wanna be supportive come back and we will talk like men!!" I yelled from the cave as he took off on his horse.

Luna looked up at me with question as I rummaged through my bag, pulling out our food and the leather that I retrieved from the farmer.

"What the fuck sparked all that?" She said as she got up and stroked my hair.

"I'm just sick of him treating me like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, Jai fucking thought last week when I had fucked you against that oak, that I was raping you. That shit pissed me the fuck off" I said still mad about it.

"If you know that I liked it, than why does it matter what they think?" She said in a loving tone.

"Because, the fact that they would believe even for a second that I am THAT evil, it fucking bothers me Luna" I loved the fact that Luna is so supportive. She can be so sweet and so innocent while still being able to fully handle me.

"Tomorrow morning our stay here is ending, we are going to travel up the mountain to the bigger caves that have the water and trees, we will make our home there but we will claim this spot for when we are trading or if we have to have contact with other people" I said taking out my bun and shaking my hair out in relief.

I started a fire out front and tied the dead rabbit above the fire to cook.

"I'm going to go let the men know to pack what ever they set out, yell for me if anybody unknown approaches. I should be back in 5 mins" I said as I walked over to the next cave.

"Hey, let the other men know we are leaving for the bigger caves early tomorrow morning, tell them to pack whatever they have out and be ready as soon as sun rise. Things should be a lot more comfortable near the water. Let them know that I am claiming these caves as well for trade and contact with others" I explained as I made sure he understood before calmly walking out of the cave.

"Will do" he said as I turned back around to speak again.

"Also, I got a good amount of leather from the farmer, I'm going to be handing out the slabs to everybody, make what you want out of it, Luna and I will be making blankets and possibly window covers"

Willow didn't answer but gave a friendly thumbs up as him and his girlfriend started to pack up the things they had laid out with acception of their pillows and blankets.

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