Zane and Sabal's argument

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Sabal's POV

We reached a big farm hours later and a man sat on his porch with a cigarette.

He waved at us with a friendly manner and got up to come greet us.

"Hello, the names Cody" he said as he extended his hand to me than to Jai for a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you Cody. My name is Sabal and this is Jai"

The man smiled "what brings you out here Sabal and Jai?"

"We are on a search for a man with long black hair normally kept in a messy bun, pale skin, longer meat teeth, tall, muscular type build" I said continuing to describe him as the mans face lost color and his eyes grew slightly wide but rested again as he realized.

"Yea, he was here. The man is scary as fuck tho dude, don't tell him I told you I saw him."

I looked at the man in concern. "Why, what did he do?"

"Well I confronted him about a body that was found and he threatened that he would do the same to me if I made him angry, I'm telling you dude he's not one to mess with. If you value your life don't further your search, just turn back" he said with actual worry.

I laughed so hard that I threw my head back.

"Ok man, don't worry about him, he's trying to intimidate you. Zane doesn't believe in killing innocent people. I'm trying my hardest to figure out why he killed the man in the Forrest and a couple of other things he's done and that is why I'm on a search for him"

"Ok, if you must continue, he's staying for a couple nights or maybe just tonight in those caves up the mountain over there, I'm not sure how long he's staying there but if you find him don't mention me please" he said with real fear.

"Thank you my guy, and don't stress" I said as Jai and I made our way to the mountain the man pointed to.

We soon made our way to the mountain and started up it with ease.

We stopped right as we heard Zane's voice echo from the top.

He was laughing with what sounded to be Luna.

Without hesitation we emerged from the trees where Zane glared at me with a grin that stretched from ear to ear and his canine teeth fully exposed.

"Aaah it's my lovely cousin, I've been expecting you darling Sabal" he said as he puckered his lips and made a kissing sound. " come give Zane Zane a big wet kiss" he continued with a smart ass tone in his voice.

"I don't wanna hear the bullshit you fucking psycho" I said rolling my eyes as I got off my horse and approached him with Jai at my side.

"Hm? Psycho?, who's psycho? I'm not psycho, I'd like to say I'm mentally seasoned" he said with a wide grin as he focused than on Jai looking him up and down.

"Jai said he saw you raping Luna in the Forrest a couple weeks before you left, explain that shit you fucking nut case"

Zane got real close to Jai's face "rape? Mmmmm, I don't like that word, I'm not a man who rapes.....JAI" he said as he looked Jai up and down before looking back at me.

"Yea well she sure fucking looked scared" said Jai as he stood in between me and Zane.

Zane rolled his eyes "for fuck sake, come here Luna!" He yelled as a small women who was Luna walked out of the cave with a smile on her face. "Yes master Zane" she said as she looked up at Zane with a loving glare.

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked with his eyes still planted on Jai.


"Have I ever hurt you?" He said rolling his eyes before he again looked right at Jai


"Have I ever fucked you without your permission?" He asked as if it was his final question as he got closer to Jai's face with his hands interlocked in front of him.

"You always ask my permission master Zane" she said as she leaned against his side in loving submission.

"Ok you may leave us men to talk now darling" he said as he still stared Jai in the eyes.

"Before you go accusing me of horrible things, make you know the god damn story first" he snapped with a growl in his throat.

"Ok ok, we both see that you are innocent of that, but I need you to explain the dead body, you don't even believe in killing"

"It's just like I said Sabal, I don't like rape. The man I killed tried to rape Luna. I wasn't having it. So I sliced his fucking throat and I'd do it again" he said with a bitter expression.

I tried to speak again but Zane cut me off before I could.

"See that's exactly why I left, you're so fucking quick to see evil in me, you accused me blindly destroying the vampire lands, done in love, you accused me of murder, done in love, and you accused me of the worst possible thing, rape. Tell me Sabal? Do you really believe for a second that I would rape any women? Do you!!?" He said ending his rant in anger.

"Dude I'm sorry" I said before he cut me off again.

"Oh fuck you! You think sorry is enough?, I'm not the god damn enemy Sabal, the sooner you learn to understand me, the sooner you and I will finally be close again, going on a giant search for me just to deem me the evil man you think I am is not the way to win me over Sabal!" He spat once again.

"Ok, why don't I just stay a night, let you calm down and than we can talk it out in the morning?" I said with gentleness.

"I don't give a fuck what you do, sleep in the fucking Forrest for all I care, just stay the fuck away from me tonight. God you piss me off so bad"

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