2 - Double-Edged Disguises

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If anyone told me I'd be driving around Seoul at two in the morning with the woman who moments ago broke into my mansion, I'd have called them crazy. But here I am, my knuckles white as I grip the steering wheel, a burning rage inside me that could power a small city. Minho is going to pay for this and it's not just going to be with words.

She's sitting in the passenger seat, her arms crossed, her face unreadable. She is, without a doubt, the most infuriating woman I've ever encountered. She hasn't flinched or shown any fear despite the current situation. In fact, it's as if she's trying to provoke me further with her stubborn silence. "So, you're just going to sit there and pretend you didn't just give me the worst news of my life?" I finally break the silence, my voice dripping with anger. I've never been this furious before, and it's unsettling.

"What? Do you want me to break down and cry? Beg for your forgiveness?" I glance at her and the way she rolls her eyes and huffs in exasperation only fuels my irritation.

"I'm trying to figure out if you're incredibly brave or incredibly stupid," I mutter under my breath, my gaze firmly fixed on the road ahead. "You're aware of who I am. That enough should have you trembling."

"I'm not afraid of you, Mr. I-always-get-what-I-want. And, frankly, I don't give a damn about your reputation or your temper tantrums. I'm only here because Minho is a fucking asshole and he's trying to make me pay for something I had nothing to do with." She leans back in her seat, crossing her legs, seemingly unbothered by the fact that she's in a car with a man who could easily destroy her. "So, if you're planning to intimidate me, you're wasting your time."

"You don't get it, do you? You're not just in trouble with Minho now. You're in trouble with me. And trust me, that's not a place you want to be." That earns me a laugh from her as if my words are a joke. Her laughter is both frustrating and oddly attractive. Jesus Christ, I'm starting to lose my mind.

She leans forward, her gaze never leaving mine. "Trust me, I'm not intimidated by men like you. You can add me to your long list of enemies if that's what you want but I'm actually doing you a favor and if not for me, that expensive Rolls-Royce you love so much would be nothing but ashes by now. So, maybe you should show a little gratitude instead of acting like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum." Her words hit a nerve, and for the first time in a long while, I find myself at a loss for words. 

She's right, and I hate that she is. But I won't give her the satisfaction of admitting it. Instead, I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, my knuckles turning even whiter. "You think that makes us friends? You fucking must be out of your mind if you think I'll be buddies with someone who broke into my home, invaded my personal space, and twisted my arm like it was some sort of twisted foreplay."

"Damn, are you this desperate for foreplay?" She smirks, her shoulder bumping mine. "I hate to break it to you, but you're not my type." That makes me take a deep breath because the last thing I want to do is kill a woman in the middle of the night in my luxury car. But when she pushes my buttons like that, it's taking all my self-control not to lose it completely. She's a wild card in this game, and I have no idea what she's truly after.

"Minho doesn't know you're here, am I right?" Instead of giving her the pleasure of getting under my skin, I decide to focus on whatever fucking shit Minho has pulled.

"He doesn't. So now you're a step ahead of him. Isn't it fun?" I don't know why but her smile makes me want to simultaneously strangle her and kiss her senseless. This woman is infuriating and intriguing all at once, a combination that I find disturbingly appealing. Fun isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe this situation. My car is fucking on the line, and I have to put up with this woman's audacity and sass. "It's almost three. He said they were coming at four. You probably should call the warehouse."

"I already did. They said they're keeping an eye out for us. We're in the clear for now." I watch as she steps out of the car and stretches as if we're just two people out for a casual late-night rendezvous. It's almost absurd how well she's pulling off this act, but it's also strangely impressive. I get out of the car, my eyes scanning the dimly lit street. The warehouse isn't too far from here, but it's a sketchy part of town. I've never had a reason to visit this area, and I'd rather not be seen here, especially with a woman like her. My reputation is on the line. "What's your name, anyway?"

As we start walking towards the warehouse, she tilts her head and smirks at me. "You didn't ask earlier when you had me pinned to your bedroom wall. Now, all of a sudden, you're curious?" When I roll my eyes, she shrugs. "It's Baek. I doubt we'll be on a first-name basis anytime soon, you know?"

"Baek," I repeat, testing the name on my lips. "Why the hell are you involved with Minho?"

"I was his bodyguard." I pause, staring at her with raised eyebrows. A bodyguard? The last thing I expected was for this bold, sassy woman to have been working as a bodyguard. I mean, she doesn't exactly fit the typical image of one but the fact that she's here now makes me realize that she's no pushover. "I'll seriously break you in half if you keep up with that smug grin of yours."

"You just don't look like one." Maybe it's my imagination but I might have just laughed. I might have just let out the slightest hint of a chuckle. It's not often someone can catch me off guard, but this woman is managing to do just that.

"You don't look like a freak who color-coordinates his closet, either." That's when my heart drops and my eyes go wide. 

"You went into my closet. Fuck, Baek, you really have a death wish-"

"I only glanced. You're lucky I didn't decide to give your suits a makeover with some red dye." She smirks again, infuriatingly, and I almost grind my teeth together in frustration. This woman is going to drive me insane. The audacity, the sarcasm, the fact that she infiltrated my mansion – it's all starting to make me question the sanity of my life choices.

The Rolls-Royce warehouse where my precious car was stored is a dim, cavernous space, filled with an eerie silence. It's dark and when we're about to step inside, Minho's voice makes us stop. We didn't even see him coming. Dressed in a suit that screams lack of taste, he stands at the far end of the warehouse, his arms crossed and a wicked smile on his face. His eyes are fixed on Baek as we approach, and a sly smile forms on his lips. "Y/N darling, you're finally here."

I watch her while she walks to Choi Minho through the dimly lit place and she looks away, avoiding my gaze. "You're still working for him." I hear myself say while I lean against a nearby stack of crates, my arms crossed. Baek's gaze flickers briefly in my direction before she refocuses on Minho.  

Minho steps closer to her, his hand sneaking to her waist before he pulls her closer. "Oh, Park, you have no idea. Y/N here is a woman of many talents. She keeps life interesting. But I didn't think you'd trust her that easily knowing that you're one hell of a perfectionist control freak. But I guess that's what makes life unpredictable."

"Did you just betray me?" The corners of my mouth curl up while I stare at her, watching as she rolls her eyes and shrugs. I can tell she's uncomfortable with him being so close and I can't help but feel satisfaction in that discomfort. She might have walked in here with confidence, but it's clear that Minho holds some kind of power over her. Although it infuriates me, I can't deny the intrigue that's building within me.

She narrows her eyes at me, her jaw tense. "Did you think I'm your loyal little bitch just because I told you about his plan? You're such a fool, Park."

I push myself off the crates and approach them, my gaze locked on her. I plan everything ahead, that's why nobody can ever outsmart me.

"Did you think the car would be here?" The game is over and as I stand there, my eyes locked with hers while Minho runs away, I can't help but admire her audacity. 

My gaze never leaves her as the authorities arrive, and the chaos ensues. It's a mess of shouting, arrests, and the sudden, harsh realization that Minho's plan has failed spectacularly. But then she breaks eye contact with me and I'm kind of disappointed when she starts to walk away. There's a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I can't ignore, but I let her go. 

I let her go because I'll find her again, and when I do, it will be on my terms.

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