13 - The Return of Red

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"Mr. Park?" Someone knocks on the door while I work on some important documents. But before I give them my permission to come in, the door swings open.

"Who the fuck do you think-" I'm about to fuck up whoever just barged into my office, but my words die on my lips when I see a face I never expected to encounter again. Not now, not here. Y/N, the woman who had turned my life upside down not too long ago, now stands in my office, looking infuriatingly confident and beautiful. What? I quickly stand up and head to the door before closing it so that no one can eavesdrop on our conversation. My thoughts are a chaotic mess but I grab her wrist and pin her to the wall, shooting her a hard, unrelenting stare. "You must be fucking crazy, showing up here, Red."

"Nice to meet you again, Park." The way her lips curl into a smirk is maddening. I fucking hate how she knows how to push my buttons, but I'm not about to let her see how much she affects me. She doesn't break eye contact, a sly smile playing on her lips. Her hair is so much shorter and I'm wondering if she had some mental breakdown or she just decided to make a drastic change. As much as I may despise her, she looks stunning with that new haircut. It's infuriating how effortlessly she seems to pull off any look. "Your father hired me. I'm the new assistant." 

I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. My father hired her as my assistant? This is absurd. I loosen my grip on her wrist, realizing that the walls are closing in on me, and Y/N's presence is going to complicate my life in ways I can't yet comprehend. No one can cross my way and get away with it and yet, my father, a man in his late 50s with salt-and-pepper hair and a taste for young wives, is going to make me work alongside the woman who challenges every fiber of my being.

"Yang Jungwon," The name escapes through gritted teeth and I grab my phone, dialing his number while she stands there, leaning against the wall with the smirk never leaving her lips. I can't fathom how my father thought this would be a brilliant idea. When Jungwon answers the call, I don't waste any time and get straight to the point. "Did you know my father hired Baek Y/N as the new assistant? This is some sick joke, right?" I'm hoping that he'd say something that would reassure me that this is all a terrible misunderstanding and I can call security and drag the shit out of this woman, sending her packing for good.

"I was just informed of the decision, sir. I was-" His voice makes me let out a heavy sigh and I have to interrupt him before my frustration boils over.

"You get to the fucking bottom of this, Yang Jungwon. You're supposed to always be aware of what's happening around us. If you don't have a handle on this, then who the hell does?" I hang up, shoving the phone back into my pocket. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't say I'm not. But aren't you a little harsh on your right-hand man, Park? It's not his fault your old man decided to drop this surprise on you." I grit my teeth, knowing she's right. The woman seems to enjoy watching me squirm in discomfort. "You're not even able to kick me because Mr. Park seems to like me. You better start working on that anger, sweetheart."

I scoff. "Is this because I left without fucking you that day? You must have been starving for it, huh? If you had to go to such lengths to get close to me again." I watch while she folds her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes, her irritation showing clearly. I just love it when I hit a nerve.

"You really are full of yourself, Park. I don't know what's more arrogant, thinking I'd be pining for you or believing I'd let you get under my skin." I don't understand why she's so adamant about denying the obvious. I know the effect I have on her. I can see it in the way her eyes spark with anger and the way her jaw clenches. "You're far from my type."

"Your hard nipples were saying quite the opposite." I would have believed her words if she hadn't given herself away that night. But she's not the only one who can play this game. I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms, a smug smile playing on my lips. "Unless you're a very good actor, it looked like you loved how I held your body. It looked pretty real to me. Then again, I can always refresh your memory if you're having doubts. What do you say, Red? Want to relive that night?"

"Park," My name slips out of her mouth like a warning, laced with irritation. "I'll break your arm and shove it up your arrogant ass if you don't quit with the sleazy comments." She doesn't mince words, and I have no doubt she'd carry out her threat if pushed. 

"What about Choi?" I'm damn well aware he wouldn't let her pretty ass go just like that, and I know well enough that this must be one of his games. Make her work closer to me so they can manipulate me, gather information, or keep tabs on me. But if Choi Minho thinks he can use Y/N as a pawn in his game, he's got another thing coming.

"Minho and I have an understanding. He knows when to stay out of my way, just like you should." I lean against my desk, crossing my arms, and meet her gaze squarely. Father won't tolerate any unnecessary drama within the company, so I have to keep a lid on my temper, despite how much Y/N's presence irks me. This is all a game, and I need to play my cards carefully.

"Sure, Baek. We'll see how long that lasts." On cue, Yang Jungwon knocks on the door and steps inside, making me shoot him a quick glare. I'm not in the mood for his explanations or excuses right now. 

"Sir..." He pants, resting his hands on his knees before heaving a sigh and trying to catch his breath. It looks like he had to rush to get here. "It appears that your father made the decision without consulting anyone. The last assistant was fired for some reason and now the chairman believes Miss Baek would be the perfect fit. I apologize I couldn't convince him otherwise." I let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through my hair while she approaches Jungwon and holds his neck. 

"Let go of him, Baek. You don't want to make this any messier." I stand up and yet she only tightens her grip on Jungwon's neck. "Let. Go."

"Relax, Park, I'm just introducing myself. But I must say, he's precious to you, isn't he? You'd be so upset if I squeezed a little harder." Baek's chuckle makes my blood boil and I add it to the long list of reasons why I can't stand her. She finally releases Jungwon, and he stumbles back, gasping for breath. "You really should consider changing your right man. He seems awfully fragile."

"Get out." Before I know it, I'm standing right in front of her, my fingers twitching. All I want to do is strangle her until the lights go out in her eyes. But I can't. And so I watch as she simply smirks and saunters toward the door, her eyes never leaving mine. 

"Oh, Park, you can't get rid of me that easily." With that, she leaves my office, her confident stride driving me to the brink of insanity. This is going to be a living nightmare, working alongside Y/N, the woman who seems to derive pleasure from pushing my buttons and getting under my skin. I glance at Jungwon who's still recovering from Y/N's grip. His face is flushed, and he's struggling to regain his composure.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at the door, or are you going to do something about her?" I snap at Jungwon, my voice coming out harsher than I intended. I'm on edge. "Get a grip of yourself, Yang Jungwon. Baek might be right about how fragile you seem." For a moment, he glares at me and I have to admit, I went too far with my comment. The way he clenches his fists and doesn't take his eyes off me tells me that my harsh words struck a nerve, but he's professional enough not to argue further. Instead, he nods and steps out of my office, presumably to deal with Agent fucking Red.

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling a headache coming on. Oh well, now I have two headaches to deal with: Baek Y/N and my own frustration.

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