10 - On My Terms

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Do you ever wonder how a single person can consume your thoughts, dominate your life, and simultaneously drive you to the edge of sanity? That's Baek Y/N for me. I'm back to my office after a long ass morning meeting with potential investors, and all I can think about is her.

I sit behind my desk, running a hand through my hair, trying to focus on the financial reports and business proposals laid out in front of me. But every time I close my eyes for a moment, her image flashes in my mind. That defiant smile, those eyes that could see right through me, and that daring kiss that still lingers on my lips.

It's infuriating. I'm a man who prides himself on control, on being two steps ahead of everyone else. But with Baek Y/N, I feel like I'm constantly playing catch-up, like I'm dancing to her tune. She's reckless and I wonder if it's because she has nothing to lose or because she's just that damn good at what she does. She's out there, somewhere, but the more I dig, the more elusive she becomes. It's as if she's a phantom, a shadow that slips through my fingers every time I think I'm getting close.

"Sir?" I raise my head to look at the new assistant who stands there, holding her hands as if she's not quite sure if she should interrupt me. I mean, I'm definitely not pleased to be interrupted by someone so desperate and lacking in confidence. She's always fumbling and I eye her for a moment, not bothering to hide my impatience. I've had a revolving door of assistants over the years, and most of them don't last long. They either can't handle the pressure or they can't handle me. It's a cutthroat business world, and I don't have time for people who can't keep up.

"Can't you find something more important to do?" I say, my voice sharp, not even bothering to learn her name. Anything and anyone that wouldn't benefit me in some way is just clutter in my life, and clutter is something I can't tolerate. "What is it?"

"The chairman wants to see you urgently. He says you need to head to the family estate right away." She stammers, seemingly terrified of my reaction but all I can think about is the fact that my father is back from Seattle and no one thought of fucking informing me.

"When the fuck did he arrive?" I snap, leaning forward in my chair. I hate surprises, and I hate that my father has a tendency to just drop in whenever he pleases, especially when I'm in the middle of something. It's like he enjoys catching me off guard, which is probably true.

"He arrived earlier this morning, sir, and he's been asking for you. He seemed quite insistent." At her words, I let out an exasperated sigh and push away from my desk, rising to my feet. Just because he's the chairman doesn't mean he gets to fucking disrupt my day whenever he feels like it. He's supposed to be in Seattle for another month or two along with his new trophy wife so why in the hell is he back so soon?

Jungwon waits for me next to the car and I shoot him a glare because he's supposed to be the one who keeps me informed about family matters, especially when it involves the chairman. "You're fucked up if you didn't know about this," I mutter as I get into the car.

Jungwon doesn't flinch. He's seen me in a foul mood more times than he probably cares to remember. "I was only informed a short while ago, sir. It was unexpected." 

"Of course, it was unexpected," I grumble, leaning back in the car seat. My father is the king of unpredictability. I can't help but wonder if he's here to offer more unsolicited advice about my personal life or if there's some new business matter he wants to meddle in. Whatever the reason, it's sure to be a headache.

When we arrive, the family butler, an older man who has served the Park family for generations, greets me at the entrance. His face remains stoic, as if time has had no effect on him. "Welcome home, Mr. Park." I fight the urge to roll my eyes because this place had never felt like home before. If it wasn't for my mother, who was once the only source of warmth in this cold, imposing mansion, I would have severed ties with this place a long time ago.

I head to the grand sitting room, where my father is sipping on a glass of expensive whiskey. "Took you long enough." When I say that my father is the king of unpredictability, I wasn't joking. I never know what to expect from him, and his current smug expression doesn't bode well. "You're looking well, my boy. Very well indeed. The business seems to be thriving, and I must say, I'm impressed."

"How's your fifth wife doing?" I sit down across from him and his eyes narrow. His personal life had always been a mess. Multiple marriages, infidelity, and a trail of broken relationships. His latest wife is barely older than I am, and I can't help but think that his obsession with settling down is pure hypocrisy. "She's probably wondering how long it will take before she's added to your list of ex-wives."

"I heard you purchased a Rolls-Royce. You really know how to flaunt your success, don't you?" He's always had a penchant for one-upmanship, and he's never been content with letting me have my own accomplishments without attempting to overshadow them.

"Why? Do you want to borrow it for your next honeymoon?" My response is a dry, unimpressed one. "Let's not pretend you're here for a friendly father-son chat. Why are you here? I hope it's not about trying to mend your broken relationships again. It's not like it ever worked out before."

"Straight to the point? I've arranged a marriage for you." 

I don't know if it's out of shock or if it's because I can barely take him seriously, but I let out a humorless laugh. "Arranged marriage? Father, this isn't the 18th century. I'm not going to marry someone you handpick for me."

He leans back in his chair, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "You will, Jay. You will, and you'll do it for the sake of the family." I'm trying my best not to let my anger get the best of me, but it's a struggle. 

"For the sake of the family? What family, Father? How about my mother? You could be there for her, you know, instead of jet-setting around the world with your new wives. And here you are, talking about marriage and a fucking "legacy" as if it means anything to you. You've never cared about the family, just your own selfish desires." My words are sharp, but I can't help it. The frustration and resentment I've held in for years are bubbling to the surface. 

"Your mother is a different matter, Jay. I've made arrangements for her care. Now you'll meet the woman I've chosen for you, and you will marry her-"

"Over my fucking dead body." I stand up, my patience wearing thin. "Just because you're my father and the chairman of the company I own doesn't mean you get to control my life. Remember, Father, I let you become the chairman just because I wanted to focus on growing the business without having to deal with the headache of managing it. But don't mistake that for weakness. I can take it all back if you keep up with this bullshit of yours instead of leaving for Seattle where you should be right now, spending time with your latest wife."

"You'll regret this." His face flushes with anger, and he clenches his fists. "You're too stubborn for your own good." 

"I don't regret a damn thing." I turn and walk out of the room, leaving my father seething. Marriage is the last fucking thing I'd ever consider, especially one arranged by my father. The very thought of it makes my skin crawl. I don't need someone else in my life, complicating things, especially when I'm already entangled with a woman that makes my blood boil and my heart race in a way no one ever has. 

When I step outside and find Jungwon talking to the butler, they fall silent as I approach Neither of them dare speak because they know whoever breaks the silence might catch the brunt of my pent-up frustration. Instead, I head to the car, the cold air doing little to soothe the anger boiling inside me. "The office?" 

"The office," I command as I slide into the back seat of the car. An arranged marriage? What a fucking joke. I can't even begin to imagine who my father thinks he can pair me with. Some woman who fits into his grand plan for the family, no doubt.

The idea disgusts me, but I know I'll have to deal with this situation head-on, just as I do with everything else in my life. Though for now, I have a business to run, a woman to find, and a life to live on my terms.

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