5 - Femme Fatale

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The guy on his knees in front of me makes me roll my eyes, and I can't help but sigh in frustration. "For the love of whatever deity you believe in, stand up, Niki. You're embarrassing yourself," I mutter under my breath. I look at my hands, stained by his blood, and shake my head in disbelief. He can never beat me and that's a fact, but can't he be a little more graceful in defeat? I've known Niki for years, and as much as he irritates me, I can't help but care about him. We've been through too much together to turn our backs on each other now.

"See? I told you he can't handle this," Someone calls out and I raise my eyebrow. Let's set something straight, I can shit-talk about Niki but anyone else? They have to earn that shit. 

"Who just talked?" When I turn to the other thugs in the place, they all quickly lower their heads, avoiding eye contact. "I said who the fuck just talked?" I repeat, my tone growing icier. I step toward the gathered crowd and this time they part like the Red Sea before me, when a brawny man with a scar across his cheek and a chipped tooth steps forward. 

"I did," The way he looks me up and down with those eyes of his doesn't sit well with me. Yet, I take a moment, locking eyes with him as I slowly approach him. His frame towers over mine but all I see is a man trying to prove something. "It's about time you all learn some respect." Oh shit, this guy must be new around here.

"Alright, you just earned yourself a one-way ticket to the worst day of your life." I shrug, the corners of my lips curling into a sly smirk. "You think you can handle this better, do you?" I know anyone who's been around enough would never think of crossing my way for obvious reasons. I'm not called Agent Red for nothing. 

He squares his shoulders, unflinching. "A woman like you wouldn't have the guts to do anything that could actually hurt me." I glance at Niki, still on the ground, then back at the cocky stranger.  I sidestep his attack then, before he realizes it, disarm him and pin him to the ground. 

"You were saying?" This is fun. It's been a while since I've had a good fight. The stranger grunts, his face pressed against the ground, and he's clearly struggling to catch his breath. But I'm not done yet. When he struggles to get me off him, my fist, as hard as steel, lands in his gut. He gasps, and I can feel his body tense under me.

Niki, still on his knees, looks up at me. "Red, come on. Let's not kill the new guy." He pleads, though his voice is barely above a whisper and I can't help but roll my eyes. I release the man and step back, letting him catch his breath. He coughs and wheezes, struggling to sit up.

"Are you planning on being that mouthy again?" He shakes his head, coughing some more, clearly realizing he bit off more than he could chew. I shoot a warning glare at Niki, who finally manages to stand up, albeit unsteadily. "And you, Niki, you better teach your new friend some manners. I don't have the patience to babysit around here."

"Damn, you're still the scariest woman I know." He follows me when I walk to the back of the dimly lit, smoky room. He always does, even when we're not on the best terms. He's like a pesky little brother, and I can't just leave him behind, especially when trouble seems to follow him like a shadow. I quickly look for the first-aid kit and make him sit in front of me while I inspect his injuries. He asked me to not go easy on him and I really never did. It's the only way he learns, and I can't afford to have him caught off guard in a place where I'm not around to watch his back. 

"Sorry for beating you up like that, Niki," I mutter, dabbing a cotton ball soaked in antiseptic on his swollen cheek. "But you seriously need to learn how to fight properly. I'm not always here and some of the members are real nasty pieces of work. You need to be able to hold your own when things get ugly."

"I know, Red. You're the best teacher I've got, even if your methods are a bit... rough." I finish patching him up and give him a half-smile, ruffling his hair.

"You've got to toughen up, and you've got to do it fast, okay? I would never forgive you if anything happened to you because you couldn't defend yourself."

"I promise I'll make you proud, okay? I'll improve. Give me a few weeks and I'll be a whole new Niki." I can't help but roll my eyes as I stand up and pat his shoulder, stepping away and out of the place. This kid is going to be the death of me. Yet, what awaits me makes me want to murder someone and yet another sigh escapes my lips. Choi Minho, that damn asshole must be waiting. 

I swing my left leg on top of my motorcycle and rev the engine to life. I ride it through the dark streets of the city, the feeling of the cool night air not even remotely calming me down anymore. Everything has been frustrating me since what happened with Park. 

When I park my motorcycle in a secluded alley a few blocks away from our designated meeting spot, I carefully approach the rendezvous while ensuring that I'm not walking into a trap. "Baek Y/N, do you think I'm going to ever hurt you? You're my precious bodyguard and I'd be a fool to harm you," Choi Minho's smooth voice reaches my ears as I step into the dimly lit area. He steps out of the shadows, his hands in his pockets, and a smug smile playing on his lips. This bastard is a constant thorn in my side.

"I thought you were arrested," I scoff. "Park wasn't very pleased to know you were planning on burning his car. Though that was all an act, you couldn't even locate it properly."

"Do you think Park is an easy man to catch, Y/N?" Minho replies, his smile never faltering. "He's slippery, and he always has a backup plan. I don't hate him for no reason, Baek. He's a fucking genius, but so are you."

I raise my eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

"Park wouldn't have come alone there, at two in the morning, if it wasn't for you playing with his mind. You're a dangerous woman, Baek. You know how to manipulate people, how to get inside their heads." I watch as he comes closer, his hands resting against my waist while I lean against the graffiti-covered wall, keeping a safe distance between us. Yet, I can't yank his nasty hands off me. Not when he has so much fucking information on me. 

"What do you want me to do?" His hands go up my body while he plants a kiss on my neck, his lips brushing against my skin with a featherlight touch. But we've danced this tango long enough for me to know when he's playing nice. 

"Make him get on his goddamn knees. You're a woman, not a goddamn bodyguard. And you've got something he wants." His fingers tighten slightly on my waist, and I suppress a shiver.

I push him away, frustration evident on my face. "You're asking me to manipulate a master manipulator, Minho. Park is no fool. If he catches on, he'll have my head on a platter. What's in it even for me?"

His lips are still dangerously close to my ear when he chuckles. "Yejin would love to meet you again, you know?" The mention of my little sister makes my blood run cold and I almost punch him in the fucking jaw. But I know better than to do it. "Now, now, don't get all worked up. I take care of her hospital bills and she's slowly getting better. You just have to play your part, Baek. You're a good sister, aren't you?"

My fists clench involuntarily at the thought of Minho having any control over my sister's well-being. She's the reason I'm fighting so hard and risking my goddamn life every single day just so she can get better. Minho knows it. He's exploiting my vulnerability, and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It feels like making a deal with the devil himself.

"I'll do it," I hold his collar and pull him until our faces are mere inches apart. "But if anything happens to her, Minho, I promise you, I will hunt you down, and there won't be a hole deep enough for you to hide in." When I release him, he smirks, fixes his shirt, and nods my way. 

"There's a charity event tomorrow. I'll pick you up. I sent a dress to your place. Wear it." With that, he turns to leave and I'm left there,  alone in the dimly lit alley, my thoughts racing as I contemplate the dangerous game I've just agreed to play.

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