6 - Explosive Inferno

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Working for Choi Minho almost feels like a never-ending nightmare, but I can't let my frustration get the better of me. He may have some leverage on me with my sister's medical bills, but I'll find a way to turn the tables on him. Besides, I have a reputation to uphold, and playing the game is what I do best.

The next evening, I find myself standing in front of my bed, staring at the dress that Minho sent. It's a deep red gown and I can't deny that it's one of the most stunning pieces of clothing I've ever seen. When I put it on, it clings to my body like a second skin and I start feeling like a different person. The transformation is almost complete. I've gone from the tough and ruthless Agent Red to a seductive and elegant woman in a matter of moments. But I'm a woman, after all, and I'm going to bring these men to their motherfucking knees. 

I wait for Minho to arrive while staring at my reflection in the mirror. I can't tell what meeting Park again would be like but whatever it is, I'm planning to get under his skin. 

The car arrives and I step out, staring at Choi Minho as he leans against his S-Class Mercedes, a smug smile playing on his lips. How he's dressed, though, almost makes me throw up. With that fur-lined coat and the diamond-studded cane, it feels like he's trying too hard to impress. I can't help but roll my eyes at the extravagance of it all. "Baek Y/N, the dress looks better than I imagined." He opens the car door for me with a flourish, gesturing for me to step inside. As I slide into the passenger seat, I can't help but wonder if he's deliberately trying to make me feel out of place. I may be playing a part, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

When we arrive at the charity event, it's like stepping into a different world. The grand ballroom is adorned with crystal chandeliers and a live orchestra plays a classical piece, setting the mood for the evening. "Go inside. I need to check something." I mutter and walk away, feeling Minho's gaze on my back until I make it to where the guests' cars are parked. When I spot the Rolls-Royce that Park arrived in, I raise my eyebrow in amusement. So he's traveled in style, as expected.

I crouch down and put a tracker underneath Park's Rolls-Royce, hidden from plain view. The tracker is small, discreet, and linked to my phone. With it in place, I can monitor Park's movements discreetly, and it may prove useful in the future. Satisfied with my secret act of espionage, I straighten up and head back into the event, making sure to seamlessly slip back into the role I've been playing.

The place is beautiful, a far cry from the dark and dangerous world I'm used to. Some people make way for me to walk through and it makes me smirk, the red gown trailing behind me like a scarlet river. But then I spot them, Choi Minho and Park Jay, standing a few feet away, almost looking like they're about to start a duel, minus the swords. I can't help but roll my eyes internally. These men and their egos are insufferable.

As I approach them, I can feel their eyes on me. Minho's gaze is possessive as if he's showing off his prized possession. Minho, ever the showman, plays along with a charming smile. "Y/N darling, you're looking stunning tonight. I can't take my eyes off you." He leans in, brushing a kiss on my cheek, and the possessive glint in his eyes intensifies. I hold back a shudder and offer a polite smile to the man who holds my sister's life in his hands.

Park doesn't even hide his irritation as he raises his eyebrow and shoves his hands inside his pockets. His jaw tightens, and his eyes seem to bore into my soul. It's clear he recognizes me, but he's not going to admit it openly. "And she is?"

"My woman," Minho declares proudly, and it takes all my self-control not to scoff at his possessive claim. Instead, I play the part and rest my hand on his chest, smiling sweetly at Park who watches the interaction with a growing storm of irritation in his eyes. "Isn't she gorgeous?" 

His icy stare seems to intensify, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head. He's not one to back down easily, and I'm sure he's trying to figure out what game I'm playing. "Gorgeous indeed, but a little reckless. Breaking through my place and working for a man as dangerous as Minho." His words are dripping with sarcasm and disapproval. "You must have a death wish."

"Breaking into your place wasn't that hard," I let my fingers trail down Minho's lapel, fully aware of the effect it has on both men. "But working for Choi Minho has its perks. After all, there's a certain thrill in dancing with danger." 

The asshole next to me, playing the role of the smitten lover, leans down and whispers into my ear, his voice a low, sultry purr. "You have no idea how much she adds to my life, Jay. You should try it sometime." He gives Park a pat on the shoulder before leading me away, deeper into the opulent event. I keep my gaze fixed ahead, but my peripheral vision catches Park's seething anger. He's not used to being undermined, and I've just given him a taste of his own medicine. "You're doing a good job, darling. We'll have Park wrapped around our little finger in no time," Minho murmurs, his hand slipping down to my waist and I fight the urge to shiver in disgust.

"If you keep touching me like that, I swear you'll end up with a broken wrist," I mutter under my breath, smiling happily as if I'm head over heels for him. Park, though, is not one to back down easily, and my sudden appearance in Minho's world is clearly unsettling him. He's like a caged tiger, and I've just dangled a tempting piece of meat right in front of him.

For a moment, I'm left alone and I walk to a quieter place out of Minho's sight. I find a secluded corner, far from the prying eyes of the gala attendees, and I hear the soft echo of footsteps approaching. He stops a few feet away, his piercing gaze locked onto mine. "His bodyguard? His woman? I can't help but wonder which role you're truly playing here, Baek." His voice is low and filled with a dangerous edge, and I can see the storm brewing in his eyes.

I tilt my head and give him a wicked smile, stepping closer until there's barely any space between us. "Why, Park, is it so hard to believe that I can be all that and more?" I watch as he swallows hard, his gaze flickering from my eyes to my lips, a hunger in his dark irises that's hard to miss. "I belong to Choi Minho. Whether I'm his bodyguard or his woman, it's none of your concern, is it?" My words meant to stoke the fire that's clearly burning within him.

"You're no ordinary woman, and you're no stranger to the darkness. I can see it in your eyes," He murmurs, his voice a husky whisper, and before I can react, his hand is on my waist, pulling me closer. Fuck, the touch of his hand against my waist sends shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I forget the act I'm supposed to be playing. "But I hate to break it to you, this isn't a game you want to play with me, Y/N."

The way he caresses my waist with his thumb makes my mind go wild. I can't help but wonder what being with a man like him would be like. Yet, I push against his chest lightly, just enough to create a small distance between us. "You think you can scare me away with those dark, brooding eyes, Park? I've seen things that would make your darkest secrets seem like child's play." His sharp inhale is a sign that I'm getting under his skin, and that's exactly where I want to be.

I watch as he smiles, though it's more of a predatory grin than anything else. His hand trails up from my waist to the small of my back, drawing me even closer, and then he takes out something from his pocket. "Next time, be more subtle when you put a fucking tracker under my car." I can feel the cool metal of a small device in his hand, and my heart skips a beat. Shit, this man plays hardball. When I'm about to respond, he pushes me away and my back hits the wall behind me. "I thought you knew I hate red more than anything, Agent Red." 

The nickname makes my whole body freeze yet all he does is smirk and walk away as if he's just won the most satisfying victory. If Choi Minho thought Park would be wrapped around my finger, he's in for a rude awakening. Park Jay is not a man you can easily manipulate, and I've just ignited a spark that could turn this dangerous game into an explosive inferno.

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