9 - A Bit Of A Ghost

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I stepped inside Baek Y/N's place at three in the morn, ing after I realized it wouldn't be much fun to head back home, but it sure as hell wasn't to see her wrapped in a towel, dripping wet, and defiant as ever. I had hoped to rattle her a bit, but her bold move of sitting on my lap and the scorching kiss that followed caught me completely off guard.

Her breathy words pull me from whatever spell she's put on me while I hover over her naked body. "This doesn't change anything. I'm still Agent Red, and you're still my target." I've never thought a day would come when I admit that I might be in over my head, but as I watch Baek Y/N let out a low, seductive laugh, I realize that she might be the one toying with me instead of the other way around.

I press my lips to her neck, savoring the shiver that runs through her. "It doesn't. You'll still try to outwit me, and I'll still chase you." And before she knows it, I sit up, fixing my suit while she frowns and tries to catch her breath. I don't want her to forget this little... encounter. "Get dressed, Red." 

"You don't fucking get to tell me what to do." She narrows her eyes but I enjoy the way her hands tremble slightly as she wraps herself up once more with her towel. "Get the fuck out." There's frustration and disappointment in those eyes of hers and it's a sight to behold. 

"Are you mad I didn't give you the satisfaction you were looking for, Red? Maybe next time, if you play your cards right." I make my way to the door, but before I leave, I turn back to her, a smug smile on my face. "Oh and, I wouldn't recommend trying to seduce me again. You might not like where it leads." With that, I exit her apartment, leaving her speechless and, for once, not in control.

Jungwon waits for me in the car while I get in and I'm met with furrowed eyebrows. "Sir, are you sure of what you're doing? I don't think it would be a good idea to come here-"

"I do realize that. My men are in every fucking corner of this building right now. I'm not worried about any surprises." I cut Jungwon off with a firm tone while I lean back in my seat, exhaling slowly. He's wary and concerned I'd do anything impulsive because of a woman, and though I can't blame him for thinking that way, he only witnessed a small fraction of what's going on between Baek Y/N and me. "Start driving. I've got work to do." 

It's almost six in the morning and I roll my eyes, realizing that I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks. The sun is rising, and I have a feeling this day is going to be anything but ordinary.

"How's your mother doing, sir?" The question makes me sigh, my thoughts returning to the one thing that still manages to pierce through my hardened exterior. "I apologize if my concern is intrusive." I stare at him for a while, feeling guilty over the fact that sometimes I take out my frustrations on the people who genuinely care about me.

"She's not getting any better." I'd like to say more, to open up about the pain and helplessness I feel when I visit my mother, but I can't bring myself to do it. So instead, I look out the window and watch the city come to life in the early morning light. My mother slipping away, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Every visit feels like a goodbye, and yet, my father is in Seattle having his honeymoon with his fucking fifth wife when my mother is here, alone, fading away, her memory erasing piece by piece.

What love and what marriage is he talking about when he says I need to settle down? What kind of relationship can he understand when he's never been faithful to any of his wives? All he's ever been was a selfish, greedy, self-absorbed asshole who doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. It's infuriating how he expects me to follow his path when all he's ever done is leave a trail of broken hearts and failed marriages.

I shake off those thoughts as we arrive back at my mansion, stepping out of the car and heading straight to my office. "Do you need help with the-" Jungwon's attempt to offer assistance is cut short when I simply close the door behind me, leaving him in the hallway. I picture him outside my office, his concerned expression etched on his face, but I don't have the time or patience to engage in small talk. 

"For fuck's sake..." Running my fingers through my hair, I undo my tie and sit down at my desk. My father, whom I've resented for as long as I can remember, makes my blood boil. Him and his trophy wives. The fact that he presumes to offer advice on settling down while neglecting the one woman who has truly loved me infuriates me to no end. And the irony is not lost on me. 

Jungwon steps out of the mansion and I lean forward to watch him from the big windows, his figure disappearing into the distance. I'm not the only one with family issues. His parents were drug dealers who ended up dead in a bloody shootout when we were both teenagers. I remember the chaos of that night, the sirens wailing in the distance and the acrid smell of gun smoke in the air. It was a night that left scars on both of us, physically and emotionally. 

And yet, Yang Jungwon never talks about it or about how he, too, had to fend for himself in a world that showed little mercy. All I remember is that I was eighteen when I asked him to be my right-hand man, and he punched me in the face, almost breaking my nose. That's when I knew he was the right man for the job.

Shaking off my reverie, I pull up a database of known associates in the criminal underworld, searching for any trace of Baek Y/N. She's good at keeping her tracks covered, but there's always a trail, however faint. She started working for Choi Minho about a year ago and all she did before was petty heists and street-level crimes. Information about her family is nowhere to be found, and anything about her prior to her life as a criminal is like a ghost's tale, leaving me with more questions than answers.

No pictures of her or any concrete information about her childhood, upbringing, or the circumstances that led her into the criminal world. It almost looks like the whole identity of Agent Red was crafted out of thin air as if she intentionally erased every trace of her past and it suddenly hits me. The realization fucking stings like a slap in the face. She's good, and I mean really good.

I slam my laptop shut and step out of my study. The place is quiet and when I head to the kitchen, Ms. Yoon is already awake and preparing breakfast. She's been with the family for years and has seen it all. A loyal servant who knows when to keep her mouth shut. She looks at me with a concerned gaze but doesn't dare to ask about my late-night escapades.

"Good morning, sir," She says with a polite bow. "Did you sleep well?"

I don't answer her question directly. Instead, I pour myself a cup of black coffee and take a long sip. The bitterness of the coffee matches the bitterness in my thoughts. "Morning, Ms. Yoon," I finally reply, my tone softer than it has been all morning. "I have no appetite for breakfast. I'll have a light meal later."

She nods and sets the tray with the untouched breakfast on the table. "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" She inquires gently when I'm about to leave but all I do is leave her question hanging in the air. I don't need small talk or pleasantries at the moment, I need answers, and Baek Y/N holds the key to many of them.

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