43 - A Burning Soul

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It seems Jay called someone to help us. But I didn't think that someone included one of the most annoying people I've ever met in my life, and I certainly didn't think the first thing she'd do after seeing me was point a gun at me. 

Lee Heeseung's wife, Lee Areum, stands at the doorway, scanning the room before her sharp gaze settles on me and she draws a gun from her holster. I feel Jay's grip on my hand instinctively tighten and a smile finds its way to my face. "What are you doing?" Jay snaps, his voice a low growl. He steps forward, placing himself between me and Areum. Oh, she's not about to shoot me. Not when Jay would fight tooth and nail to prevent it. The thought of being safe with him warms my heart, but the way Areum looks at me makes me want to knock the gun out of her grasp and make her regret ever pointing it in my direction. I don't do that, though, for the sake of keeping the fragile alliance intact.

She doesn't lower her weapon immediately, her eyes narrowing as she assesses the room and the people in it. "When Heeseung told me you needed my help, I didn't know Agent Red was part of the whole operation. Not exactly a comforting sight, considering our history."

I roll my eyes, unfazed by the gun pointed in my direction. "Please, it's not like I enjoy having you around either. Plus, I only punched you once, why are you so bitter about it?" Jay turns to me with a confused expression, clearly unaware of this particular piece of history between Areum and me. "We fought once. She ended up with a broken arm when she was trying to arrest me for a crime I didn't commit."

"Areum, lower your gun," I hear Lee Heeseung say and before I know it, she does so, albeit reluctantly. So she married Heeseung. The thought makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to marry Jay. It's a stupid thought, but I'm just a woman and I love him, what else could I wish for? "We're not here to hurt each other," Heeseung continues, his gaze shifting between Jay and me. "We're here to work together. We don't have much time, do we?"

Areum grumbles something under her breath, clearly not thrilled about the situation. I can't blame her—I wouldn't be thrilled either if I had to work with someone who had broken my arm. But desperate times call for desperate measures. "I need your help to meet the president. The evidence I have against my father is enough to put him behind bars, but I know he has connections with all the wrong people. We need someone like you who can facilitate a meeting without raising suspicion," Jay explains, his eyes fixed on Areum. Oh well, this is going to be one hell of a ride.

"I will do what I can. Gather all your evidence and make it foolproof. The president won't act without solid proof," Areum says, her tone shifting from annoyance to a more businesslike demeanor. "But you should know that Mr. Park won't cooperate even if we present irrefutable evidence. He's slippery, and his connections run deep."

"The NSI has been monitoring his activities closely and I managed to get their support," Jungwon says from the corner of the room where he's keeping an eye on the surveillance feed. "If he refuses to cooperate, they'll intervene, and we'll have the upper hand. We just need that initial meeting to present the evidence and set the stage." Everything is set, we'll make that motherfucker regret every twisted move he's made. My heart aches for my parents but their death won't be in vain. I will fucking make sure justice is served, not just for them but for everyone else who has suffered because of that monster.

But then my phone starts vibrating and I frown. It's a burner phone and no one else should have this number. I glance at the screen, and an unfamiliar number is flashing. Suspicion tightens my jaw as I answer the call. "Y/N?" Ren's voice makes me frown. He's the owner of the phone so it makes sense, but why would he be calling me now? No. Why does he sound so frantic?

"Ren, what's going on?" I press, the urgency in his voice seeping into my veins. Everyone is looking at me by now and Jay frowns but all I can focus on is Ren's heavy breathing and the fear and anger laced in his words.

"They took Niki." My heart skips a beat, and a chill runs down my spine. "If something happens to him, I will fucking kill you, Y/N. Do you hear me? I will make sure you suffer if they lay a finger on him." I feel the blood drain from my face as Ren's words hit me like a punch to the gut. The world around me starts to crumble, not because of Ren's words because I know he doesn't mean it, but because Niki is in danger because of me. This is all my fault, I was the one who got involved in this mess, and now innocent people are paying the price.

"Do you know where they've taken him?" I ask, trying my best not to break down because Niki needs my help, and if I fall apart now, I won't be able to save him.

"It's an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. You have one hour. If you don't show up, they've made it clear that Niki will pay the price." I hang up as soon as the words leave Ren's mouth, a heavy silence lingering in the room.

"What's happening-" Jay asks but all I do is run my fingers through my hair and crouch down, trying to process what's happening. Niki is in danger, and it's my fault. I should have never involved him in this mess. The guilt and fear grip my heart, but I can't let it paralyze me. I need to act, and I need to act fast. Jay crouches down and holds me, and only then I realize I'm crying. Gosh, just thinking about Niki in that situation, it's tearing me apart. "Y/N, what's going on?"

"He took Niki. My..." My little brother. My fighting buddy. The little kid I met decades ago, who used to follow me around like a shadow, imitating everything I did. "They've taken him, and they want me at an abandoned warehouse in an hour, or they'll hurt him."

Jay's grip tightens on my shoulders, and I can see the worry etched on his face. "We'll get him back, Y/N. We'll figure this out. I won't let my father hurt him." I want to believe him. I want to trust that we can rescue Niki unharmed, but the fear and guilt cling to me like a relentless shadow. "Jungwon, we need the NIS's support. Areum, I think we no longer need a meeting with the president, perhaps he should witness the fall of a powerful man firsthand."

She nods, already reaching for her phone. "I'll make the call." And we're on the move. The team mobilizes quickly, and I wipe away my tears, pushing aside the overwhelming emotions threatening to drown me. That's it, it's time Park gets his fucking payback. I was going to let Jay handle everything and not kill him with my own hands, but now that he dared lay his fingers on Niki, I can feel the rage boiling within me and I know I'll have to break some bones and watch the blood drip from his wounds with my own eyes to satisfy the fire burning in my soul.

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