16 - Under One Roof

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We're driving back to my place while Red literally fumes in the passenger seat. Her eyes are fixed on the passing scenery outside, jaw clenched in frustration. It amuses me how easily she gets riled up. "It's a nice drive, at least enjoy the view while you're stuck with me," I say, the corners of my lips quirking into a sly smile.

"Fuck you, Park." I watch as she crosses her arms, her defiance radiating from every pore. Her eyes are fixed on the cityscape, but I can tell her mind is racing with thoughts and plans. That's the kind of woman she is. She could be plotting my demise for all I know, but I find it intriguing. 

"Temper, Red. You might want to work on that if you plan on sticking around." She shoots me a glare that could melt steel, but I don't let it bother me. If anything, I'm realizing that I love when she's all feisty and unpredictable. It just keeps things interesting. As we approach my mansion, I can see her gaze scanning the luxurious exterior. I can't help but wonder what's going on in that cunning mind of hers. The doors open and I lead Red into the mansion. "You infiltrated the place once, you should know your way around."

She doesn't respond, and I lead her into the mansion. Ms. Yoon is waiting for us at the entrance and she bows at me, though I can tell she's wondering why I'm bringing this woman here. I ignore the unspoken questions in Ms. Yoon's eyes and instead instruct her, "Prepare a room for Baek Y/N. She'll be staying with us for a while." I also ignore the sharp look Red shoots my way. 

Ms. Yoon hurries off to carry out my orders and I step inside, Red following behind me. "I must say, your hospitality is overwhelming," I hear her say, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Didn't expect you to be the 'bring her home to meet the parents' type." I don't really care about her comments. I'm focused on the bigger picture. Having her close will make it easier to keep an eye on her, and I can use this proximity to my advantage. It's a risky move, but it's still better than having her run to Choi Minho with every piece of information she gathers. The last thing I need is for Choi Minho to get wind of my plans before I'm ready to execute them.

As we walk through the mansion, I can feel Red's eyes scrutinizing every detail, and I wonder what she's thinking. We reach the room that's going to be hers from now on and I open the door for her. "Make yourself home, Red. And if you feel like being the spoiled princess you are, feel free to ask Ms. Yoon for anything," I reply with a smirk, enjoying the subtle jab.

Without a word, she shoots me a glare that definitely carries a promise of revenge and closes the door before I get to finish my sentence. I chuckle to myself as I walk away. Now, the real game begins. Red is now under my roof, and I need to be careful to make sure she doesn't slip through my fingers. I order my men to increase security around the mansion and to keep a close eye on her. I know she won't make things easy for me, and I can't afford any slip-ups.

Now, with Red under my roof, I need to focus on Yang Jungwon. He cannot just give up on me after everything that has happened. I need to find a way to bring him back into the fold, to regain his loyalty. 

So, I decide to head to his apartment. I know everything about him, from where he lives to the type of coffee he drinks. I'm hoping this knowledge will give me an edge in getting through to him. I knock on his door, and after a moment, it opens. Jungwon's eyes widen in surprise when he sees me standing there, but instead of the trust that used to be there, I see disappointment and betrayal. "What do you want, Jay?" He asks, his voice colder than I've ever heard it, while I step inside, taking in the simple yet neat surroundings of his apartment. 

"I want to talk about what happened. I don't want things to end like this, Jungwon." Sitting down on his couch, I cross my legs and lean against it. My men are waiting outside the building in case Jungwon decides to stab me or maybe break the hand I punched him with. I would let him, but I'm not sure if he can ever do it.

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