31 - Burner Phone

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When I storm out of the mansion, no one comes after me. Park's men make way for me as I pass through yet I hope someone would at least try to stop me so I can have an excuse for murder. Yes, that's what's on my mind right now.

But no one stops me. I make my way to the main gate, my steps quick and purposeful. The cold wind bites at my skin, but I barely notice. I just need to get out of here and make it to the base safely before Choi Minho knows I'm out of Park's grasp and he starts hunting me down. I reach the gate and push it open, stepping out into the dimly lit street.

My wound is still throbbing and it makes me run my fingers through my hair in frustration. Now I need to stand up and fight for myself, there's no time to wallow in self-pity. I glance down at the bandage peeking out from under my jacket, stained with my own blood and the remnants of a shattered truth. The pain is not just physical, not really. 

I take a cab to one of the stores run by one of my old fighting buddies to ask him for a burner phone. I'm not about to leave any digital trail that could lead Park or Minho to me. Though, deep down, I want Jay to find me. I want him to fight for me and prove that there's still something salvageable between us. But wishes are like whispers in the wind, and reality is often harsher than our desires. As the cab takes me to the store, I can't help but recall whatever happened at Park's mansion. I know I kind of betrayed his trust because I never got to explain myself or mention that his father wanted me to report to him, but it doesn't mean he can discard all that happened between us just like that. 

Just because I've kept secrets doesn't mean the emotions we shared were any less real.

The cab pulls up to the store, and I step out, wondering whether Ren will be thrilled or annoyed to see me again. The bell above the entrance jingles as I push the door open, entering the dimly lit shop filled with the smell of leather and metal. He's standing there behind the counter and when his eyes land on me, he raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, well, look who decided to drop by again. Agent Red, are you becoming a regular customer?"

"Hey, Ren. I need a favor," I say, keeping my voice low. There's no time for pleasantries or small talk. Ren leans against the counter, crossing his arms, his curious gaze fixed on me. Then he eyes the bandage on my side and whistles low. "Looks like you've been in the thick of it. What's going on with you these days? I heard you work for the Parks. Nice haircut, by the way."

"Long story, Red. What I need now is a burner phone. Something untraceable," I reply, cutting straight to the point. Ren raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. I know what he must be thinking, that I've gotten myself into some serious trouble with the Parks. And in a way, he's not entirely wrong. But I can't tell him what kind of trouble exactly. 

"Trouble in paradise, huh?" He smirks, handing me a small box with a burner phone inside. "Take it. It's on the house. But you owe me one, Red." I smile a little and look around the store, acknowledging the various weapons and gear neatly displayed. It's a place that caters to those who live on the edge, like me. "How's Niki doing? I heard he fights better."

"He needs more training, but he's got potential. I'm going back to the base, do you have anything to say to him?" I can still remember that one night when Ren couldn't save Niki and he ended up in the hospital for two whole weeks. Memories of Ren training so hard with tears streaming down his face after Niki got hurt flood back, and I look away. The fact that Ren cares for Niki, and by extension, cares about me, touches a place in my heart that I've learned to shield over the years.

"Just tell him to be cautious. And you, Red, you're not one to ask for help unless things are dire. Be careful out there." When I look back at him, there's no longer the usual smirk on Ren's face. Instead, there's genuine concern in his eyes, a rare vulnerability that he reveals only to those he trusts. He's been a great friend, fought for me when I had nowhere to turn, and I owe him more than I can express. With one last nod, I step out of the store and manage to make it to the base. I need to track down my motorcycle and find out where it is so I can make my next move.

The base is the same way I left it; everyone is training and all I can hear are the echoes of footsteps and the occasional clatter of equipment. I slip through the familiar halls, evading unnecessary attention. My footsteps echo through the corridors until I stop in front of a familiar someone whose body freezes at my approach. 

"Surprise?" I can't help but smile a little when Niki approaches me with his confused frown and a hint of a smile. And then I watch him run and wrap his arms around me. I allow him to feel my warmth for a few seconds because I know this kid doesn't have anyone other than me and the few people who actually care about him. If not for us, he'd be long forgotten in the dark corners of this chaotic world. I ruffle his hair and pull him away to get a better look at him. A few scratches and bruises here and there but nothing too worrying. He's been holding his own, and that's something to be proud of.

"I can't believe you left without saying anything! Just where were you..." Then the realization hits him and he reaches out to touch my hair. "What did you do to your hair? And what's with the bandage? Shit, you're bleeding." I just watch him worry about me and it's both strange and comforting. I'm the one who gets worried about him and I'm the one who takes care of him, not the other way around. But the genuine concern in his eyes warms a part of me that's been frozen for far too long.

"I'm fine, Niki. It's just a scratch. How's your training going?" I'm trying to change the topic because he doesn't need to know anything about what I had to deal with. Not now. He's still young, and I want to shield him from whatever hardships I can.

"It's tough without you around, but I definitely feel like I'm getting stronger," Niki flexes his muscles and taps his abs. "I'm not weak anymore, Red. I think a little more and I won't need anyone to watch my back. But that's not the issue now. You're clearly hurt. Let me help you." 

"I'll be fine, Niki, I promise. Just focus on your training and don't tell anyone that I'm here. Not even anyone close." I pat his shoulder and give him one last smile before turning on my heels. I know I'll be in deep shit once Choi Minho hears I'm all alone and I know he'll do whatever it takes to kill me. I know that, but does it scare me? Maybe a part of me should be terrified, but the adrenaline that courses through my veins drowns out the fear. 

I've survived countless threats and betrayals before, and I'll do it again.

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