3 - Under the Spotlight

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Staring at the Rolls-Royce that's sitting untouched and pristine among the other cars in my garage, I can't help but let the corners of my mouth curl into a wry smile. It's ten in the morning when it's delivered and Jungwon stands next to me, his tablet in hand, going over the checklist to ensure everything is in perfect condition. "She's a piece of art."  I reach out and run a hand along the polished hood of the car, feeling the smoothness of the metallic surface under my fingertips. The color is a deep, rich black, making it look like a sleek panther in the midst of a sea of mundane vehicles.

Rolls Royce employees stand in a respectful hush, their eyes averted, as if they're in the presence of something sacred. And in a way, they are. "We apologize about the incident. The car was transported to a safe place when you informed us about Choi's scheme, Mr. Park." One of them bows and approaches me, his uniform making me want to dismiss him immediately. Yet, I still hear him out. "We've gone through extensive checks, and everything is as it should be."

"Good. I expected nothing less." Jungwon continues his inspection, checking every detail meticulously, from the shining chrome accents to the impeccable leather interior. Then he nods, opening the door for me so I can slide into the driver's seat. The leather is soft, the seat embraces me as if tailored to my body. Fuck, this car is perfection. I grip the steering wheel, feeling the power beneath my fingertips. "Come on, Jungwon. Let me take you for a ride."

"Yes, sir." He doesn't hesitate and I roll my eyes, watching him as he settles into the passenger seat. 

As I pull out of the garage, the purr of the Rolls-Royce's engine fills the space, drowning out any thoughts that might have lingered in my mind. The car's performance is nothing short of exhilarating. It's like I'm in control of a beast, a magnificent creation that obeys my every command. I can feel Jungwon's tension as he grips the door handle, clearly not accustomed to my rather aggressive driving style. "Relax. I can handle this beauty just fine."

"People are going to make headlines about this, sir," I hate how he always has to bring up the potential media attention. Jungwon's always been the cautious one, concerned about my reputation, but the world outside is a blur and for a moment, it feels like nothing else matters but the rush of the road, the power of the car, and the sensation of freedom.

"Let them. It's the first time they see a Rolls-Royce driving through the city. They should get used to it. Plus, the pictures are going to be very interesting. They never see me this human." 

Jungwon smiles, a rare sight as he loosens his grip on the door handle. "I suppose you're right, sir. It's a new angle for the media to chew on." My life is no stranger to media attention, and this car will undoubtedly attract even more eyes. But that's a part of the game I play – the constant scrutiny, the rumors, the headlines. It all comes with the territory when you're as successful as I am.

"Did you just smile, Yang Jungwon?" When I raise my eyebrow and glance at him, he clears his throat and straightens his posture. "Man, relax. It's good to see you being... less rigid for once." He just nods while we keep on driving through the streets and to where Park's private office building is located. As we approach the office building, I can't help but notice the curious glances from passersby. People stop and stare, their phones coming out to capture the rare sight of a Rolls-Royce on these streets. I love the feeling of being the center of attention.

When we arrive at the office building and I step out of the car, the Rolls-Royce effortlessly blends into the backdrop of the corporate world. Employees and onlookers still marvel at the car, but I hardly pay them any mind as I make my way to the entrance. Jungwon is at my side with his tablet out. "Sir, your schedule for the day includes meetings with the board members, a conference call with the Hong Kong office, and a charity gala event tonight."

We make our way through the grand lobby to the elevator where Jungwon hands me the tablet with the day's agenda. "Your meetings with the board members are scheduled back-to-back in the morning, and your conference call is at 2 p.m. You have some downtime before the gala this evening."

"Good," I respond, scrolling through the digital itinerary. I almost forgot about Baek Y/N. Key word: almost. But not quite. She lingers in the corners of my mind, making me curious and intrigued. It's not often that someone manages to leave an impression on me, but she has, and it gnaws at my thoughts as I head to the first meeting of the day. Which, as always, is the source of my misery. 

"Mr. Park. You're late." As soon as I step into the boardroom, the stern voice of Ryuk Hoon, the senior board member, greets me. His arms are crossed, and his disapproving gaze pierces through his glasses. It's a typical tactic of his, trying to catch me off guard. But I'm never truly caught off guard. "Do you think we have to wait for you like you're some kind of royalty?"

"You should. I practically own the damn company." His expression tightens, but he knows better than to engage in a power struggle with me in front of the other board members. "I apologize for the delay. My car arrived and I couldn't resist taking it for a ride. You understand, don't you?" 

The morning meetings are as predictable as ever, filled with suits and ties, power plays, and a sea of faces that I've known for years. I listen while the board members drone on about profit margins, market trends, and quarterly reports, but my mind keeps wandering back to Baek Y/N. It's absurd, really. I have more important matters to attend to, but there's something about her audacity that's hard to forget. 

In the middle of a long ass presentation, my phone vibrates, pulling me out of my thoughts. I discreetly check the message, and it's from Jungwon. It simply reads, "Rolls-Royce news is trending on social media." Damn, I suppress a smile as I read the message. Of course, it's trending.

"I almost slept in there. I always ask for short, fucking effective presentations but all they do is drone on and on." Upon stepping out of the boardroom after the meeting came to an end, Jungwon listens to my nonstop complaints. I remind myself to increase his bonus this year for emotional support.

The day is as predictable as ever, filled with back-to-back meetings and endless discussions that make me question the purpose of it all. The sun dips below the horizon and Jungwon steps inside my office. "Sir, are you going back home? Is there anything else you need from me today?"

I lean back in my office chair, throwing my head back while exhaling a long, tired sigh. "What do we know about her? Baek Y/N?"

"Not much, sir. She's not in any of our databases. Her background and affiliations are well-hidden. It's as if she's a ghost. But I've instructed our intelligence team to dig deeper." The response makes me roll my eyes and resist the urge to throw my hands up in frustration. Of course, she would be a ghost, someone who manages to stay under the radar.

"Just who the fuck is she..." My fingers drum on the polished surface of my desk, betraying the restlessness that has been growing inside me since last night. I'm not used to being left in the dark. "She's somehow Choi Minho's bodyguard. Find out everything you can about her. I want to know what she's after and why she decided to get involved with that lunatic." The way she's The way she's infiltrated my life, disrupted my routine, and managed to leave a lingering impact on me is maddening.

The charity gala. That's what I need to think about. And so I leave the office and drive back home, the new car sitting gorgeously among the other ones in my garage. Welcome home, beautiful. I stare at it for a while, the keys dangling in my hand, tempting me to take it for another ride. But the gala is calling, and I have a reputation to uphold.

I step inside my house, looking around for any signs of an intruder. But there's none. The place is just as pristine as I left it, untouched by the chaos that entered my life with Baek Y/N. Yet, her presence lingers in the air, and it's unsettling. A woman like her doesn't simply vanish from one's thoughts.

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