29 - Bomb Thrown

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"What's up with you?" We're back at the mansion and Y/N is resting in her room while Jungwon sits in my office. I shoot him a stern look before closing the door behind us. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him and his annoying presence, but I have to set some things straight. 

"Come on, Jay. You can't just drop a bomb like that and then act like everything's normal," Jungwon says, leaning back in the chair with a smirk. Since when was he so laid back and nonchalant about serious matters?

I take a deep breath, knowing that this conversation is inevitable. "What bomb? I didn't drop any bombs."

"The rooftop confession, the kiss, everything that's happening between the two of you. It's not something you can just sweep under the rug. You like Y/N, if not more." The way he puts it makes my jaw tense. He's not entirely wrong, but acknowledging it feels like surrendering a part of myself I've kept hidden for so long. Jungwon sighs, his grin fading. "Look, I get it. You're the big, bad boss, the feared man. But you're also human, Jay. And denying your own feelings won't make them disappear. If anything, it'll just mess with your head even more. And I know you, you won't be able to focus on the business until you sort this out."

I shoot him a sharp look. "I don't need your psychoanalysis, Jungwon. I can handle my emotions."

He raises an eyebrow. "Can you, though? Look, I'm not just your right-hand man, I'm your friend. The one friend who you allowed to get close. And as your friend, I'm telling you that shutting down your emotions won't make you stronger. It'll make you weaker." I watch as he stands up and puts his hands on my desk as he leans forward. "Being away from you made me realize I was oblivious to so many things. I thought that you only saw me as someone who fixes your mess and carries out orders. But that day, when you hit me, I saw a glimpse of the real you—the one who's not just a ruthless boss but a person with emotions, with pain. And now you're facing a different kind of mess, and you can't shut it out. Don't push away the people who care about you, Jay."

I remain silent, absorbing his words. It's rare for Jungwon to be this open, but he's right. He's so fucking right. "Is that why you made that thirst trap account about me? You're a fucking idiot," I mutter under my breath, unable to hide the brief smirk that tugs at the corner of my lips. "The whole Internet knows about it."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Jay. Plus, people love those videos. Your ripped muscles and bad boy image? It's a hit," Jungwon replies with a grin, unapologetic. "Some even said they liked your ass. Round and fluffy, like a well-fed cat's." He chuckles at his own comment, and I shoot him a glare that could freeze hell over. You've got to be fucking kidding me. 

"Jungwon, I need you to be serious right now. We need to focus on Choi Minho. Y/N's sister is safe for now, but we can't let our guard down. He's still out there, and he's not the type to retreat quietly." I look into Jungwon's eyes, the playful demeanor fading as the gravity of the situation settles in. "I want every piece of information on him—his contacts, his hideouts, everything. And get our tech team working on tracing his movements. I won't rest until he's dealt with."

"Consider it done, sir." He nods, the seriousness matching mine. "Just take care of Y/N and the business and I'll take care of the rest." 

"Don't put yourself in danger." This is the last thing I tell him before I hear him chuckle slightly and mock salute. 

"Aye, aye, Captain Jay. I'll try not to get myself killed. I know how much you love me." I shoot him a stern look, but a hint of a smile plays on my lips. That, my friend, is a sentiment you're pushing too far. When he leaves the office and closes the door behind him, I'm left replaying his words in my mind. His words about Y/N and how I can't simply sweep these emotions under the rug. Jungwon's right. The walls I've built around myself, the image of the cold and ruthless boss, are starting to crack, and I need to confront the reality of what's happening between Y/N and me.

But amidst all of this chaos, there's something else I need to check and make sure it's not standing in my way. And that is my father. 

The next day comes and I drive back to the family's estate to check on the old man I hate but still, in some twisted way, feel responsible for. He should be back in Seattle with his trophy wife but he's still here and it's quite unsettling. When I step inside, I find him in the dimly lit study, surrounded by the musty smell of old books and fading memories. "Jay," He acknowledges, his tone curt.

"Why aren't you back in Seattle, old man?" I cross my arms, leaning against the doorway. His eyes, cold and calculating, meet mine.

"I have matters to attend to here. Business matters that concern the family," he replies, his words dripping with arrogance. I can't help but scoff at his audacity. "I'm not going back until I make sure you get married." I can't believe he's still playing this game. The audacity of this man. I push off the doorway and take a step closer, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Married? Father, our family title will end with me. I'm not interested in continuing your legacy. You lost that privilege a long time ago," I'm filled with underlying rage and yet, I manage to appear as composed as possible. The weight of my disdain for this man is reflected in the coldness of my gaze. But he smirks and my heart almost drops.

"You're a Park and I'm not about to let you rebel against our family. Your grandfather wouldn't have allowed this, and I won't either. You will marry the woman I choose, and you will secure the future of the Park name-"

"Your life is your title and my life is the empire I've built, Father," I interrupt, my voice cutting through his arrogant proclamation. "You think a marriage to some woman of your choosing will save the Park name? The Park name will thrive through the legacy I've created, not through your outdated ideas of family duty. Unless you want me to reveal your illegal business dealings and tarnish the Park name further, I suggest you leave and never meddle in my affairs." 

"You wouldn't dare," His smirk fades, replaced by a momentary flicker of concern. It's a vulnerability I've seldom seen in him, and it makes me realize just how much control I have in this moment. I lean in, the distance between us diminishing.

"Try me," I smirk and slightly raise my eyebrow. "Do you want the world to know just how filthy the hands of the great Park legacy are? How you've stained the family name with your own selfish desires and unscrupulous deeds?"

He glares at me, the realization sinking in that I hold the key to his downfall. "How are things with your assistant? I heard she got hurt. What kind of assistant goes on missions and end up wounded? She's not just an assistant, is she?" 

I clench my jaw, my fists tightening at my sides. He always knows how to hit where it hurts. I've always known he kept tabs on me and had people watching my every move, but how would he know about Y/N's injury unless he had someone specifically keeping an eye on her as well? "Baek Y/N is none of your business. Stay away from her and stay out of my life. The only reason you're still breathing is because you share my blood. Don't test my patience, old man."

"She works for me, of course, she's my business. Were you unaware? I can tell what you're thinking of, son, but I'm not keeping an eye on her. She's the one keeping an eye on you." 

My blood runs cold at his revelation. Y/N working for him? It's a revelation that sends a shockwave through me, and for a moment, I find it hard to breathe. "What are you talking about?" I demand, my voice tight with controlled rage. "You must be delusional."

He leans back in his chair, a sinister grin playing on his lips. "Baek Y/N is more cunning than you give her credit for, Jay. I asked her to report to me about the women you associate with, you know, in case there's anyone worth keeping in the family. But it's been a while since she reported anything and I realized she is the woman who has managed to capture your attention. Interesting choice, Jay. I must say, I didn't expect you to fall for someone like her."

I clench my fists, my nails digging into my palms. The revelation hits me like a punch to the gut. Y/N, working for my father? The woman I've come to care about, the one who has seen a side of me no one else has, is feeding information to the man I despise the most? But I know better than to believe someone like my own father. 

"I swear to whatever higher power might exist, if you touch one fucking single hair on her head, if you ever think you can use her against me, I will make sure the world knows every dirty secret you've tried so hard to hide and I'll show you just how your son can be more ruthless than you could ever imagine."

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