12 - New Assistant

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I'm surprised I look good with short hair. But then again, I always do. I could be bald and still make heads turn. As I stand in front of the mirror and fix the uneven locks of my new haircut, my reflection doesn't disappoint. The feeling of liberation it brings is intoxicating. Okay, damn, I look good. 

Just then, my burner phone starts ringing and I roll my eyes, aware of the likely interruption to my thoughts. I snatch the phone from the table and answer it without checking the caller ID. "What the hell do you want?"

"You dare put a dagger to my throat, Y/N. You must be really angry with me," a voice on the other end of the line says with a sly, almost mocking tone. "I'm not calling to talk about that, though I'll have you pay for it when you expect it the least. You should get ready, it's about Park." I can almost hear the wheels turning in his mind.

"What about him?" I can't find any fucks to give about his threat because the worst he can do is already on my list. 

"His father is here. He's looking for an assistant." My eyebrows furrow when I realize what he's most likely to say afterward. "You wanted to stop working for me, didn't you? Let's get you to work for his father then." I know he'd never set me free so him saying that only means I'll stop working as his bodyguard and instead, I'll be working as an assistant to Park Jay's powerful father. It's still better than being under Minho's direct control, but it's far from the freedom I desire.

"What should I do?" I'm already going through my wardrobe to find something decent to wear for this meeting with Park Jay's father. The situation is far from ideal, but it might be an opportunity to gain access to information that could change everything.

Minho's voice turns more serious. "Meet me at the usual place. Then we'll head to Park's estate." With that, the call ends and I press my tongue against the inside of my cheek. Park Jay will be real mad when he knows that the woman he messed with is now going to work for his father. I can already see the storm brewing on the horizon.

Have you ever seen a woman dressed in formal attire with a short haircut, riding a motorcycle through the bustling streets of the city? It's an unusual sight, but it's exactly what I become as I make my way to the "usual place" to meet with Minho. My motorcycle is parked nearby, and I take one last glance at my reflection in a storefront window to make sure I look the part. 

Minho arrives as planned, and without a word, I get inside his car while his men take care of my motorcycle. The way he undresses me with his eyes is unmistakable. His hand sneaks to my thigh as he leans closer, whispering to my ear. "The short hair suits you," He murmurs, a wicked grin playing on his lips. "It makes you look... less intimidating."

"If you don't take your hand off me, I'll break it," I hiss, my patience pushed to the limit. "I'll still fuck you up, Minho, don't think for a second that I won't."

"Relax, darling, you know I love you." I roll my eyes and yank his hand away. His words are as empty as the promises in this world we live in. "I can't wait to see Park's reaction when he realizes you're working for his father now. It's going to be one hell of a show." That, I can't wait to witness as well. I'll make him regret ever crossing paths with me, but for now, I have to play this dangerous game carefully.

We arrive at the grand estate, and I step out of the car, Minho's hand placed against my back as he leads me inside. So this is where Park lived. The opulence and extravagance are impossible to miss, from the marble floors to the crystal chandeliers that hang from the high ceilings. These people really know how to live in excess. We're guided through the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion, passing by a group of elegantly dressed men and women who eye me curiously. 

"Come in," When we stop in front of what appears to be Park's office, Choi Minho opens the door for me and I square my shoulders, shooting him a quick glare before I step inside. Seated behind the grand desk is a man who looks like he sees all and knows all. So this is Park Jay's father. I fight the urge to smirk and instead, I bow politely while he appraises me with a scrutinizing gaze. "Choi Minho."

"Mr. Park, it's a pleasure to see you again. How was your honeymoon in Seattle?" Of course, just like I expected. Minho looks like a dog who's desperate for approval, licking his lips nervously. It's not surprising considering the man we're dealing with. I heard about his fifth marriage and I can't help but wonder if a man, as old as Mr. Park, can have enough stamina to even keep up with the young women he marries. I would have voiced out my thoughts if I wasn't going to work for him in a few minutes.

Mr. Park's gaze remains on me, and his response to Minho's question is curt, "It was fine. She's...?"

"Baek Y/N. The assistant you asked for. She can be very discreet and reliable, sir."

"You can leave. I'd like to have a word with her." I watch as he stands up from his seat and walks to us, and I can't help but suck in a breath. Choi Minho excuses himself and now it's only both of us, Park Jay's father and I. Fuck, it feels like being in the lion's den. "Miss Baek, I'd like for you to know that I'm a man who values efficiency and discretion above all else. I trust you've heard that before. I, too, heard some interesting things about you." He leans in closer, his piercing eyes never leaving mine. "I've heard you have a talent for handling delicate matters, Miss Baek. And I have a few of those that need attending."

My lips curl into a faint smile and I bow. "I'm here to serve your needs, Mr. Park." 

Mr. Park's demeanor softens slightly, and he nods in approval. "Good. I appreciate people who can get things done without drawing unnecessary attention. Now, you must have heard about my son, Park Jay. He can be... difficult at times. I want you to be his shadow and inform me of everything that goes on in his life. Most of all, the women who come and go." 

Oh, shit. I assure you, Mr. Park, the one woman you should be worried about is the one standing in front of you right now. But I can't say that, not here, not yet. Instead, I nod in agreement. "I understand, Mr. Park."

"Very well, Miss Baek. I have a feeling that you and I will get along just fine." The way he pats my back and smiles, it sends a shiver down my spine. I know that working for this man will be no walk in the park, but it's a step closer to Park Jay and it's all I need. "You can head to his office now. I'll have someone drive you there." At that, I bow again and step out of his office, staring at Choi Minho who leans against the hallway wall. He smirks as he approaches me.

"Starting your new job?" When he grabs my hand, I push him away until he gives me some space.

"I belong to the Parks now, Minho. You should know that." I'm not going to let him think for a second that I'm still under his control. 

"I can make your life very difficult, Baek Y/N. But we both don't want that, right? I don't want to see you all bruised and battered. So, play nice with the Parks, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be kind enough to let you out of this mess someday." With that, he walks away and waves goodbye while I roll my eyes and let out the breath I've been holding. 

Someone drives me to where, apparently, Park Jay works. The place itself and the buildings on this vast estate are impressive. I step out of the car before the man who's been waiting for my arrival shows me the way inside. I look around and at the people who pass by. So this is the inner sanctum of the Parks, where the rich and powerful dwell. The man guiding me leads me to a grand office, and he knocks before he waits for my target to let him inside. Man, we don't do that here. I open the door before Park Jay can respond to the knock.

"Who the fuck do you think-" When he raises his head and tears his eyes from the tons of documents on his desk, I can tell the exact moment when his stomach drops at the sight of me. I love it. He stands up, heads toward the door and closes it before he grabs my wrist and pins me to the wall behind me. "You must be fucking crazy, showing up here, Red." 

"Nice to meet you again, Park." I smirk and his gaze darts to my lips, coated with a red lipstick that matches my nickname. The kind of red he hates the most.

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