Chapter 48- Messed up Big time

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Everyone stands there in shock when they notice Harper's nose bleeding
"Get out!" Kelly shouts
"Come on pal!" Casey shouts
"Move before I make you!" Kelly shouts getting closer to Luitenent Harvey
Harvey rushes out and Kelly rushes over to Harper
"Jeez! That man has a strong slap!" Harper says dabbing her nose with her finger and noticing the blood
"I'm gonna kill him!" Kelly shouts as he goes to walk out
"Kelly!" Harper says calmly as she grabs his hand
Kelly turns around and looks at her
"Please! Stay with me? Just for a minute?" Harper says
Kelly hesitates before walking back to Harper
"The class is coming for a tour of the firehouse today! I had drills and everything set up!" Harper says as gabby cleans her nose
"They still can! You've got this Harper!" Casey says smiling
It's later that shift and the students from the academy have just arrived at the firehouse
"Okay! Welcome to firehouse 51! My friend Herrmann here is going to give you guys a tour of the place before we start drills!" Harper says
"Come on!" Herrmann says smiling as they all walk in
A while later they come out and Harper has set up drills on the driveway
"Now this course is strictly only for engine and Truck! However I'm going to go through some squad drills with you guys!" Harper shouts
"Yes!" Johns says smiling
"In my opinion I think truck is more important!" Harvey says
"There shouldn't be a "More Important one" as we all work together at the CFD! Did your dad not teach you that one?" Harper asks
"No he didn't actually!" Harvey says annoyed
Harper quickly explains the drill to them and how they are using a saw and a slamigan to open doors which are stuck together. Harper splits the group into pairs and gives them a door each
"Go ahead guys" Harper shouts as they all start
Harper is timing them all when Kelly walks over
"Hey!" Kelly says smiling
"Oh hey! I let them do squad drills!" Harper says smiling
"Oh so that's where all my saws went?" Kelly says laughing
As Harper opens her mouth to respond she can hear a scream
"Captain! Harvey cut his hand on the saw!" Johns shouts
"Of course he did!" Harper whispers
Harper runs over and checks his hand
"And this ladies and Gentlemen is why we always ask for help!" Harper shouts holding up Harvey's hand
"Go get that checked out! You might need a few stitches!" Harper says as Harvey walks out
It's the next day and Harper is back at the academy when Harvey walks in
"Harvey! I wasn't expecting you to be in today?" Harper asks
"Well I am!" Harvey shouts
"Okay! Go fill up the Air bottles for the drill today!" Harper shouts
"You got it Captain!" Harvey says as he runs over
"Okay! Everyone suit up! And I'll give you your air bottles in a sec!" Harper shouts as everyone suits up
Harvey then comes running over with the bottles and Harper gives them out to everyone. She sends her first pair in and starts the timer
"Captain?" Johns asks
"What's up?" Harper says
"My air looks funny?" Johns says as Harper walks over
"It does? Harvey what did you do?" Harper asks
"Nothing!" Harvey says as Harper walks over to the air filling station
She turns around a barrel and it's labelled with the words Methane
"You put methane in their air bottles! That could kill them!" Harper shouts
Harvey freezes
"Derek and Calvin are in there!" Johns shouts as Harper rushes up the stairs to run in....

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