Chapter 52- Im getting too good at goodbyes!

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Casey walks into the bathroom to find Kelly on the ground with Harper in his arms. Casey lets out a sigh and comes and sits on the other side of Harper. They let her cry her eyes out and they comfort her
"It's all my fault isn't it?" Harper says weakly
"Why do you think that?" Kelly asks calmly
"What if I had gotten there sooner? Or if I hadn't kicked him out the program? He's lying in a morgue somewhere with his family standing over him sobbing!" Harper says with tears in her eyes
"You can't think like that!" Kelly says
"He brought that on himself!" Casey says smiling
"What if that was Devin or Hunter? Or Miles?" Harper asks looking down at the ground
"Umm Captain?" Cruz asks standing at the door
"What's up Cruz?" Kelly asks
"Antonio is here for Harper" Cruz says before asking out
Harper gets up and walks out
"We need to watch out for her" Kelly says
"One more thing and it could break her" Casey says looking at Kelly
Harper is greeted by Antonio
"How you holding up?" Antonio asks giving her a hug
"I'm getting there!" Harper says smiling
"We found your jacket on the scene and thought you might want it back?" Antonio says holding up a bag
"Oh yeah Umm I put it over him know... after the explosion" Harper says taking the bag
"Hey I get it! I've got to get back but call if you need anything!" Antonio says walking away
It's the next day and Harper is at home with the kids and Kelly. The twins are still going through the terrible 2s stage. Harper is in the kitchen making dinner and Kelly is playing with the twins and Aria. Devin is watching tv
"B*t*h" Devin shouts
"No! Nu uh! Excuse me mister! We don't say that!" Harper shouts as Kelly smiles
"Mummy! What's a B*t*h?" Aria asks
"Nothing honey! We don't say that word around here!" Harper says
"But daddy says it all the time!" Aria says
"Oh does he now?!" Harper says looking at Kelly who is still laughing
"Don't encourage them!" Harper says before getting back to making dinner
It's the next day and it's the day of Harvey's funeral
"Are you sure you wanna go to this?" Kelly asks tying his tie
"No! But somethings telling me that I need to go!" Harper says touching up her makeup
They walk out of there house and drive to the church. When they walk in Harper stops and gets a flashback from Otis's funeral
*Otis's Funeral*
"Just before Otis passed I was the last one with him! And that kills me every time! I knew that he wasn't gonna pull through so I lay down with him! I made sure he knew he wasn't alone!" Harper says with tears in her eyes
"There was never a dull moment with Otis around! He always made us smile even after a bad call! He made us feel welcome if we were knew! He was my best friend and I love him!" Cruz says
"We love you brother!" They all say
*Present day*
"Harper...Sweetheart!" Kelly says softly
"I'm getting too good at goodbyes Kelly!" Harper says with tears rolling down her face
They go ahead and take their seats
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Andy Harvey" The minster says

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