I saw her..

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The silence was deafening. I woke up in a sweat once again.
The same thing happened. Annie, the angry man, being dragged to a balcony crying.
It never changes.

I woke up, this time at seven. Josh said seven would be a more.. reasonable time to get coffee this morning.
I got up and put on some regular clothes.
But... what's even regular anymore?

My ripped jeans, brown belt, and white shirt was all I knew.
Man, I need a new wardrobe.

I grabbed my black cardigan and headed out. Who knows what temperature it's gonna be today.

I jogged my way down the apartment stairs, meeting my landlady on the way down.
"Hey, Mrs. Corde!"
She smiled and waved at me as she entered the main office with paperwork in hand.

I walked out the front door, and met Josh at his car that was waiting for me in front of the building.
He turned wide eyed as I entered his car.

"Ah! She didn't forget today!"
I rolled my eyes.
"She also has terrible nightmares literally every night, so."
His face went serious.

"Oh, Jess... Im sorry.."

I paused for a sec, then bursted into laughter.
"What's so funny?!"

I gathered myself and said,
"Hahaha, It's just, you act so tense around me. It's okay to joke about it, you know! It's healthy."

His face turned into a relaxed look as he sighed in relief.
"Okay, thank you. I just know how hard it is for you."

"It's okay Josh, sometimes I need to joke about it. It's good to cope."

"Okay," He smiled as he put his car in drive.

We got to the coffee shop on the corner of 5th and Maine, the one we've been to since highschool.

"The usual?" The cashier asked energetically.

"Yeah, the usual for me. Jess?"
He looked at me with anticipation.

"Yeah, the usual for me as well."
We sat down as we waited for our names to be called.



"That's us, Jess! I'll get the coffee, be back in a flash." He winked as he walked away.
He jumped up and walked over to get our drinks.
All was good.
Until I looked up.

I didn't understand it at first, this... woman, staring at me through the window.
She stayed there for a good minute.
I felt like I knew her, because she looked so familar.

Her hair was up in a high ponytail. It trailed all the way to her waist, and I could tell because she had it over her shoulder.

She was wearing a black crop top, with high waisted blue jeans and white sandals.
It was a little... creepy... but I thought nothing of it.

Then I looked in her hand.
She was holding a fucking barbie.
I have to be dreaming.

I jumped up and ran out, I had so many questions. But by the time I got outside she was gone.

What the hell?!
They're coming in my actual life now?!?!
I need serious help.

Josh came outside and looked confused.
"Why are you out here?"

"I saw her.. Josh she's here."

"Who? Who's here, Jess?"

I looked at him straight in the face, eyes serious and teary.


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