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 I rushed to her lifeless body and panicked. Why the fuck did she do this?!

 I put two fingers on her neck. Thank god she still had a slight pulse. Tears began to fall down my cheek and I choked on my sobs. 

"Annie... God Annie why!"

Josh took the initiative to call 911. I was too shocked to even move. "Come on, please, Annie stay with me." I cried. 

"What the FUCK is taking them so long!" I yelled angrily. Josh put both hands above his head and sighed in panic. 

Finally, we heard the sound of faint ambulance sirens. "Please, Annie, please stay with me. Please don't die on me. God please help me." I repeated and sobbed over and over as I held her body which was barely clinging to life. 


The paramedics rushed her to the hospital. The ride was a blur. I don't remember anything except the cries I had and the girl I was about to lose. 

We waited impatiently as the doctors came to us.

"We... We are sorry to tell you this but.. she didn't make it."

I screamed. Josh ran and held me in his arms as I sobbed harder than I ever have before.

Then I woke up on William's floor. 

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