The Balcony Scene

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Ten minutes later

I felt a hand on my head. Josh's voice became clear and I heard him say, "You're gonna be okay."
I don't know how it happened, but I passed out and had the realest dream I've had in a while. Remembering my dream, I quickly look around. Annie was nowhere to be found.
"Where is she?" I say in a panic.
"Who, Jess?" Josh responded with confusion. His dark eyes met mine. "Annie! Is she okay?" I declared.
"Yes, Jess, she's fine. She's on the balcony." He said calmly.
"WHAT?!" I yell and rush out of the room. No. Please, God. No.
"Jess! Come back what are you doing?!" He called from behind me.
No, please. Please be safe Annie. I repeated over and over in my head.
The dark curtains covered the balcony door. I hesitantly pulled them back.
Annie wasn't there. My heart went into my throat and my hands felt tingly.
Without another thought I started to run to the front door. Panic set in. Sweat dripped down my face and my eyes began to water. The image of her dead body on the pavement was forever burned into my brain. I hyperventilated.
Everything became blurry, and my eyes stung from the tears that began to fall. That's when I saw someone come out of the bathroom.
"Jess? What's wrong? You look hysterical!"

Annie walked over to me and gently wiped the warm tears streaming down my face.
"What is it, Jess?" She said kindly. "I... you.. balcony.." I could only choke out a few words. I made no sense. Everything sucked. My legs felt like jelly.
"Jess, you're shaking really bad!" She responded while taking me to the couch.
Josh and Gina ran into the living room. They had a very concerned and confused look on their faces.
Annie shrugged at them. "I found her crying and hyperventilating out here. I was in the bathroom."
Josh walked over to me and kneeled. "Do we need to go?" He said with the slight furrow of his brow.
"Please." I whispered.
"What about the ambulance? They still need to check on her." Gina finally spoke.
"Yeah, let's let them take care of you, and then we'll go. Okay?"
He smiled at me and kept the eye contact. It was very intense.
"Okay." I said quietly back.

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