Where's Annie?

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Jess's POV

Present day

We were in shock. 

What do ya know. His nurse just so happened to be his daughter.

I almost had to pick up my jaw when I read what happened to him.

I think Annie and Josh had to as well.

"Are you ever gonna tell her?" I said to the man in the wheelchair.

I don't know.

"I- I need some air." Annie said as she rushed out the door.

"Wait- Annie!" I tried, but she was already gone.

The man we so regretfully know, set the pen down. His eyes were sorrowful and sad, and I knew in this moment he hated himself for the very dark past. 

A long exasperated sigh came from the doorway. "What the hell is going on. That girl just left in tears and William is obviously in distress." She gestured towards him with her hand.

God, I forgot. She has no idea who she is. 

"Gina.. I.. I think you need to speak to him alone. He has a lot to tell you. We might be back soon." I stated matter of factly, leaving the room and grabbing Josh's hand. At that moment I didn't care about the unanswered questions, I just wanted to get out of there and see if Annie was okay.  

Annie wasn't on the  balcony, nor was she outside and she wasn't answering her phone. Where is she? I thought, thinking the absolute worst. "She can't be far, Jess." Josh comforted.

We walked down the apartment stairs. walking outside. What met our eyes below was the most horrific sight I have ever seen.

Annie's body was at the bottom of the balcony.

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