William's Past

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Jess's POV:

Josh and I woke up the next morning with the intent to go back to apartment 211 on Courtmen drive.

I texted Annie, feeling her slight reluctance as we got ready to go.

Ready to uncover the secrets of William Hudson III.

We arrived to the apartment, with coffees in our hands and butterflies in our stomachs.

Once again, Annie knocked on the door with a shaky hand.

"Coming!" Said a small familiar voice from the other side of the door.

The door opened and Gina appeared with a slight disappointment in her face as she realized who we were.

"Please... we have to see him." Annie pleaded.

Gina sighed. "Okay, fine. Come on in."

We walked into apartment 211 with dread in our bones and many questions in our heads.

Then we went to the room.

The room I've dreamt of for so long.

The once poked bear, now sitting silently in his wheelchair, looked up at us. His hands shook and his face dropped in despair.

"You said you had a daughter," I said, breaking the tense silence. "can you tell us more about her?"

His head gave a slight nod as he grabbed the pen and pad that restfully sat on the table in front of him.

She's here.

I read the pad and looked around at Annie and Josh with a worried look.

"What do you mean she's here?"

In the living room.

I was confused, the only person in the living room was..

Oh my god.


He paused for a few moments.

Yes. But she does not know.

"Wh- why?"

The old man, with his saddened look, began to tell us what happened to him so long ago.

What happened to make him so bitter.

William's past

Two years before the adoption

William woke up next to his wife Amy, as he heard his little girl crying through the baby monitor.

Careful not to wake up the love of his life, William tiptoed to his baby girl who laid restlessly in her small crib.

"What is it my sweet girl?" He cooed, picking her up and comforting her with his hand on her back.

This was a normal routine for William. He didn't mind getting up for his baby, especially since Amy has been doing it lately. He wanted his beautiful wife to rest peacefully, and besides, he didn't mind taking care of his precious little Gina.

Realizing what was wrong with the 6 month old baby, William changed her diaper with patience and ease.

"All better!" William whispered, kissing the now calm baby and setting her down in her small white crib.

Leaving the back room, William headed to bed to sleep next to his resting wife, not knowing what would happen to him when daylight came.


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