The Balcony

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Jess's POV:

The night passed with what little moonlight failed to show as the sun began to rise.

Josh had fallen asleep, not too long ago, as I stayed up thinking about earlier.

"Come on Jess, you can talk to me."

I thought about that over and over. Should I just have gave up and told him how I felt? But what would he have thought... he thought of me as a friend and nothing more. It was probably just a small crush anyways... maybe it'll pass soon..

I couldn't stop thinking about him though...


Jess's POV:

14 years ago

The banging was relentless. I grew more and more scared by the moment. The door was going to be down soon..

Annie looked at me, "Jess, when I tell you this, you have to keep it a secret!"

"Do you promise? Like really, really promise?"

I nodded silently as she begun to tell me what I longed so badly to know. 

With the poked bear still hitting the now fragile door, Annie whispered it into my ear. 

"Do you remember the nice lady that was here when he first adopted us?"

I nodded.

"Well, there's something I forgot to tell you about my school day," She shakily whispered 

"the nice lady told me she was getting us out of here and that she was doing everything she could."

My eyes widened.

"But there's one more thing-"

Before Annie could finish her sentence the door burst down, tumbling over in slow motion as the mean bear in front of us yelled and ran to our direction.

"I thought I told you girls to STAY! OUT!"

Annie fell into me and gave me a tight hug as we tried to get away. We sobbed so much.

The grizzly man, with his ragged beard and stained white tee shirt, stumbled towards us and grabbed our shirt collars. 

"You girls just never listen do you?"

He let out a raspy laugh.

"Well you will now!"

He dragged us to the patio, throwing me into the corner as I sobbed.

He picked Annie up and held her over the balcony. 


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