Are You Even Sorry?

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Annie's eyes dropped to the mans hand that had written  Yes.

She looked angry. I guess remembering everything, whilst in front of the man who caused the trauma, would cause some anger to form. I didn't blame her, I was angry too.

"Well? Are you even sorry?"

The mans eyes met Annie's. He didn't answer.

"Are you? I won't ask again. Dad."

That one word made the mans hand tremble even more. At this point, I definitely knew his condition wasn't the only thing making him shake.

His hand lifted and grabbed the pen that lay so innocently on the small table beneath him.

I'm sorry.

"Hm." Annie thoughtfully said, her lips pursing.

She got up. "I think it's your turn now, Jess."

My eyes widened and so did the mans.

Annie walked out of the room, to God knows where, as I sat in the same place Annie did.

"Do you know who I am?"


"Do you know who I am?" I said once more, this time more firm.

The man looked at me with a small tear falling down his old cheek. He began to write.



I sighed as I try to remember what I wanted to ask.

"Why couldn't we come in here."

The air got more still, and so did he.

"So, are we just gonna get silence? Or are you gonna give the answers we so rightfully deserve."

He paused for a moment, another tear falling down peacefully.

I don't know.

"You don't know?" I laughed, getting more and more pissed with every passing second.

He wrote again.

I had a daughter. Before you and Annabella.

More tears fell. This time, two or more together.

Gina took notice and said, "I think you should leave."

"What? No! We aren't do-"

"Yes, you are. Come back some other time."

Ushering us out the door, Gina said not another word and closed it.

Annie shortly following.

"Why did she make us leave?" Annie said, her eyes puffy and voice hoarse.

"He was crying." I sighed.

"What did he even say? Did you get any answers?"

"He said he had a daughter before us, but Gina made us leave before I could press for more."

"Dammit..." Annie said under her breath.

"Maybe we should all go get dinner... This event has obviously been a little rough. Let's come back in a couple days." Josh suddenly said. 

"No, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna get a hotel room somewhere near here. I'll text you the hotel I stay at." Annie replied.

Nodding my head, Annie walked off. Visibly upset. 

"So," Josh said, 

"how about that dinner?"

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