Who are you?

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I didn't know how to react. I didn't know what to say. I stood there, staring at this person I only talked to in my dreams.
"I- I-"
..stuttered like an idiot.
"It's okay, Jess. It's been so long. Can I come in?"
"Uhm, ye-yeah, come in."
She entered my apartment and looked around.
"Oh Jess, It's so beautiful and peaceful here. You've always been quite the decorator!"

"What? Who even are you. Why the HELL are you here. What's going on?!"
She looked down in disappointment and sighed.
"You must have the dreams too."

I looked at her, confusion filling my entire being.
"They've plagued me for too long.."

"What are yours like?" She questioned with anticipation.

"Well, um.."
I sat her down and told her all about them. How we're in a small room and she wants to tell me something, I told her about the door being kicked and the man dragging us away as we sob into each other's arms.
She looked at me with a relieved expression.

"That's how mine go, except when we get to the balcony, he's holding us over the edge and threatening to throw us off if we go into that room again."

"What do you think that room is?" I asked.

"I.. I honestly think it's a playroom. I mean, there's a toy chest and stuffed animals, but it could be anything."

I had so much more to ask.

"I.. There's so much I wanna know..."

"Me too, Jess. I've looked for you for so long."

"Where did you go at the coffee shop? I went outside and you weren't there.

"I got scared! I couldn't believe it was you. I ran and hid on the side of the building, I wasn't ready to talk yet. I mean... It's been so... so long."

"What do you mean it's been so long. This is the first time I'm even meeting you outside of a dream."
Her eyes went wide.
"You're right.. You're probably so confused. I'm sorry, I'll tell you what I do know."


She paused for a moment, then told me what she knew.

"Well, for starters, we're sisters. All I know is that we were in the foster system. I guess that's who the man is."

"Is that.. all you know?"
Well that didn't really explain anything..

"Yes.. I'm just as confused as you are.. All I remember and.. know.. is that you're my sister. I remember being a little girl and getting taken to foster homes with you. Then I guess we got separated.. I don't for sure know who the man is, but I've been searching."

"So, you don't really know anything either?" I said in disappointment.

"No.. I'm sorry."
Wow, the one person I thought had the answers.
"Well, I'm glad you found me. Let's figure this out together." I said sincerely.

"I'd love that."

She then asked me how I've been. I told her about Josh and how we get coffee every morning. I told her about jobs I've had and the people I've met.

We were sisters again, even if I didn't remember her.
I wish I had met her sooner..

We talked our ears off. All evening, chatting about nothing and everything at the same time.
We bonded so much that day, and I couldn't wait to tell Josh about it.


The day after seeing Annie was full of Josh asking question after question. He was just as excited as I was.

"Well?! What did she say!" He asked, eyes glistening up at me in wonder.

"Well.. She asked me about my dream, and then after that we just kinda.. talked? Just random things. Catching up, if you want a more specific term."
Josh was so surprised.

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you, Jess. This is what you've waited for your whole life!"

"I know! I can't believe it's even happening..."

"How long was she there?"

"I don't know, honestly. She got here after you took me home, which was at about noon, and she left at about five."

Josh's jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
"Five hours?!"


"Well! That's good! You guys needed to catch up."

"Yeah.. but we're gonna meet up again soon, we wanna find the man in our dreams."
Josh's jaw dropped even lower.

"The man? How would you even do that?"

"I mean... Annie just came into my life.. maybe he will too."

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Jess? He sounds dangerous.. What if he tries to hurt you?"

Josh was right. He seemed really violent in the dream..
"Well, maybe he's nicer.. with old age and all. He must be an old man by now."

"Jess, old people have the worst temper. All I'm saying is, be careful. You don't know what he's capable of."

I looked at Josh and half smiled. He pulled me into a tight embrace and said, "I just really care about you Jess. You know I only want the best for you."

I hugged him tighter and smiled as I whispered, "I know."

We sat there for a few moments. It felt so nice to be gingerely held.
His short black hair fell into his face as he left the embrace.
"You aren't in this alone. I'm always here for you."

"Thank you Josh, what would I do without you."
He smirked and playfully said, "Nothing. You'd be so utterly lost without me."
He's so right.
Giggling I said, "Whatever."

Josh stayed for a bit longer. He ordered us pizza and watched some shows with me. I missed it, just hanging out with him. It felt great to hang out with him again.
As we sat in my living room, a knock interrupted the silence.

"Who is it?" I yelled, loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

A few moments passed with no response. The silence was starting to overwhelm me.
Still nothing.

Josh silently got up to look through the peephole, and when he did, he almost had a heartattack.
"Jess," He whispered
"..there's a girl unconscious out here."

I've Had This Dream...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora