Courtmen Drive..

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Jess's POV:

The ride to Cali was long and very drawn out... 

I fell asleep on the plane many times. Annie did too, with occasional conversations between us here and there. I think she was just as nervous as I was. 

And rightfully so, I mean.. we were both about to learn our very secretive past.

I know what you're all thinking, "Didn't she forget the address?"

Yeah, she did. But she remembered it as we drove to the airport. "Apartment 211 on Courtmen drive."

How she found that out? I don't know.. Then again, you can find pretty much anything online, if you do enough digging.

The entire plane ride was full of me worried for Josh. What was he doing? Did he read the letter yet?

I was right... I did regret not telling him about Cali. I wished he was there.. 

When we got to California, Annie woke me up and told me that the plane had landed. Though, I wish she had let me sleep longer.. I was having a dream that I can't quite recall now...

We got our things and stepped off of the plane. Walking to a taxi and on our way to his apartment...

It was a decently long drive, so we tipped the driver exceptionally. Annie has money, thankfully...

The drive there was so nerve racking. Every time we stopped at a light, was a step closer to knowing my past. I was scared... so scared. 

The only thing I imagined was Josh holding my hand and telling me it would be okay. God I missed him...

I eventually got lost in thought. So lost in fact, the only thing that snapped me back to reality was the street sign that read, Courtmen drive.

Courtmen drive...

Those two words sent chills down my spine. The very thing that lay in apartment 211 was the thing that has plagued me for so long... 

We arrived at the complex, as the taxi drove in and dropped us off at the entrance. 

"Thanks sir, here's your tip."

Annie quickly fumbled in her jean pocket as she pulled out a 100 dollar bill from her brightly colored wallet.

The taxi driver's eyes widened as he quietly muttered a thank you in awe. 

The driver drove away, leaving us standing in front of the complex. My gut turned as Annie looked to me, asking, "You ready Jess?"

I looked at her, feeling my face go pink. 

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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