The Memory, Part 2

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Jess's POV,

14 years ago~

"We need the key..." 

Annie looked over to our sleeping giant in horror, than back at me.

"Bu- But-"

"I know.. but how else are we getting in?" I said, more so talking to myself. 

She bit her small lip. Annie was pretty scared.. as was I. Maybe this was a bad idea.. maybe we should've just gone back to bed.

"It's okay, Annie, let me get the key." I bravely stated, a nervousness filling me up completely.

"You don't have to do anything but stand at the doorway as I get it. Okay? How does that sound." I smiled, trying to make her as calm as I could.

She nodded her head, following me quietly down the narrow hallway.

Oh boy..

What was I about to do?

And how was I about to do it?

His chest rose and fell, as he calmly slept on our leather couch that lay in front of the TV. The TV made a small sound, as he had most likely fallen asleep to the weird show he was watching. I'm sure he didn't even know what he was watching.

I quickly scanned the room, thinking of a plan. 

Then, a light bulb formed in my head. A very rash, stupid light bulb, though it was the only way I was getting this key.

I quietly tiptoed towards the sleeping bear, careful not to poke it, as it quietly slumbered on our couch. 

I slid my hand slyly onto his side, grabbing hold of the one key I needed. The sleeping bear slightly moved, startling me into a frozen position for a small second.

I waited a few seconds, until I decided it was safe to continue, and tried to unhook the key from his chain.

Emphasis, on tried.

The key, the one I so desperately needed, was stuck on this stupid chain. 

And I had very little time before the sleeping bear would awaken.

Scared shitless, I tried to pick up the pace, hearing a smaller voice than mine say, "Hurry, Jess!" in a scared, short whisper.

"I'm trying!" I whispered back, fear overwhelming my fragile child body, "It's stuck!"

I bit my lip nervously, struggling to unhook the small key.

I almost gave up. It wasn't worth it to risk my life over a stupid key. 

Just as I thought my efforts were short lived, the key finally came undone from the key chain that sat so silently on the sleeping bear's side.


I grabbed the key and quietly threw my hand up, claiming my newfound trophy, as Annie smiled her biggest smile yet from the hall.

"Let's go!" I whispered to Annie excitedly.

Not knowing the sleeping bear had awakened, just shortly after I had claimed the forbidden key as my own.

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