The Explanation

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A couple days had passed since I passed out in William Hudsons home. We were still in California, though after the other day we were taking a slight hiatus.
I know everyone is asking, "What happened with the ambulance?"
They came. A few men in some navy blue polo's came over to me. They asked what happened, checked my blood pressure and other vitals. Nothing special.
They came to the conclusion that it was a simple panic attack. They weren't able to explain the apparent bloody nose that Josh had mentioned.
So that was that. Afterwards we went back to room 335.
Josh got me water, we ate and talked.
Normal shit, ya know? Except of course, me passing out. Yeah. That wasn't too fun.
That only leaves one question unanswered. "What about the dream?"
I told Josh.
Josh was... shocked. He told me that he understood my panic attack. He also said that Annie will be under better watch to make sure she's safe.
Let's hope it reigns true.

We called Annie and told her about it, the dream, how if we stay she'll need to be supervised to make sure she's safe. After a long talk, we all came to the conclusion that its best if we fly back. We got most of our answers, and if I'm passing out and having dreams of Annie dying, then it's obviously not a good idea. It wasn't in the first place.
We packed our bags and went to bed. Tomorrow we would look for the next flight back.

...At least that was the original plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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