William Hudson III

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Josh's POV:

I spent a long time on my laptop trying to search for this stupid address.

Dammit Annie... why'd you have to forget? I thought to myself, as I frantically typed away, searching for anything and everything related to this man. I didn't have much to go on.. except for that he was very tall, large, muscular, and lived in California. Pretty hard to find a man on a such vague description.

But, if you're determined and dedicated enough, you can.

And I did.

After four. Whole. Long. Hours. I finally did it.

I found the man's address.

It took, ages... but I did it like the smart and capable man I am.

Finally... I thought with a sigh of relief.

All I did was type in Jessica's name into the adoption center's website. The exact center she was adopted from.

I only thought of this in the last hour of hopelessly searching.

On the website, you could see past adoptions and past foster kids.

You could also see past people who adopted the child.

Just my luck.

The center had his exact name age and address on its site.

God, I hope this address isn't old.. I thought, holding onto the last bit of hope.

Hope was all I had right now..

The site read:

William Hudson III

60 Years Old

Courtmen Drive, apartment 211, Los Angeles, California.

Previous adoptions:

Jessica Louise Sharpe

Annabella Elizabeth Sharpe

So that's her name? Hmm...

I quietly thought to myself, as I clicked on her name to see who she really was.

The site brought me to a younger Annabella, stating where she had lived, but nothing about where she went after.


Curious, curious...

I gave up the search about Annie's past, and instead decided to book a flight.

A flight to California.

Jess is crazy if she thinks she's going alone.

I grab my phone, keys, wallet... what else do I need..

Oh, of course, clothes.


I go to my room and get my... unusually big... suitcase. I packed shirts, pants, underwear, shower stuff. Basically everything I need to function.

I headed out and made my way to the girl I wanted- no, needed to protect.

Jess's face flashed in my head over and over. I only wondered what she was doing right now... I needed to know if she was okay.

I had to.

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