Chapter 1

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                                                            Three Years Ago

It only took a matter of minutes for Midoriya Izuku's dream and entire plan for his future to be shattered. He had spent the first twelve years of his life surrounding himself with everything he could find about heroes, devising various ways to become one without a quirk. 

Izuku's dream was the dream of many, but his motivation was considerably more pure. Rather than seeking fame and fortune, Midoriya Izuku merely wanted to help people, to use his smile to reassure people in the darkest of times, remind them that the world still held light. 

But in the boy's darkest time, his hero failed him, offering neither verbal reassurance, nor the smile he was famed for. Midoriya Izuku did not die that day, but his sense of purpose did. 

The boy stumbled away from the rooftop, silently wondering if he should heed his classmate and stumble off of it instead. Tears he didn't realize he'd shed coursed down his cheeks as he pondered the truth of his hero's identity, as well as all that All Might had told him. 

Without realizing, the boy's legs had carried him to yet another crowd, a villain fight. It didn't seem like much of a fight though, and it felt empty to him. 

Then he took in the details of the fight, the villain who all too familiar and the red eyes pleading for help, red eyes that Izuku could never forget. 

The sludge villain had Kacchan.

Before Izuku knew what he was doing, his legs carried him forward, slinging his bag at the sludge villain's eye, his one vulnerable spot. the villain recoiled, giving Izuku just enough leeway to start pulling his classmate out of the sludge.

For the second time that day, a single punch from All Might took down the sludge villain, bringing immense relief to the crowd. People murmured amongst themselves, acting as judge and jury over what had just happened. 

"What was that scrawny kid trying to accomplish? He just made more work for the heroes," a particularly venomous woman asked. 

"I think he just wanted attention," another woman said. "Some kids are so pathetic." 

Every instinct was telling Izuku to run, leave this place, but the cruel words froze him in place.

"What do you think you're doing?" a rough voice asked, an equally rough hand grabbing the boy by the arm. 

Looking up, Izuku was peering into the face of Death Arms. The man was a passable hero, but Izuku could have told him numerous ways the man could maximize his quirk. Unfortunately the man was held back by his idolization of All Might. 

"I-I just wanted to help," Izuku stammered. 

"If you're going to interfere, you better have a quirk to back it up," Death Arms growled, shaking Izuku a bit. 

"For real kid," Mount Lady interrupted. "I'm just starting out, do you want my career to be ruined because of you?"
"Mount Lady, Death Arms, stand down," said a much more logical voice. Izuku raised his eyes to see none other than Kamui Woods, who gently put his hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Listen kid, your intentions were noble today. I understand that you were just trying to help out your friend, and that's admirable. But it was incredibly dangerous. we've trained for this for years, we're the experts, so until you have the training to joining us, trust us to handle it, okay?"

The hero's words were kind, but more than anything Izuku just wanted to go home. Disgustingly enough he could still feel a layer of slime coating his esophagus, and part of him wanted to cry even though he didn't have any tears left.

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