Chapter 12

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"I can see you've been keeping up with your therapy even though Recovery Girl healed you," Aizawa said as he and Izuku circled one another, each waiting for the other to strike first. "That's good, you're probably stronger than you were before."

Izuku did his best to regulate his breathing, ignoring the sweat sticking his shirt body. "I have a lot of people who care about my well-being for once, I would hate to let them down."

"If you recognize that much, you'll do us all a favor and stop taking swords to the thigh. But it's true that you've got an army of people making sure that you reach your full potential," Aizawa said, one of his unsettling smiles spreading across his face. "Speaking of that, I showed Nezu your analysis of me, and he's intrigued."

"You did what?!"

In that millisecond of Izuku's surprise, Aizawa struck. after a flurry of motion, Izuku ended up with his face pressed into the practice mat.

"I think you know what I'm going to say, Problem Child."

"Never let my guard down," Izuku groaned, the words muffled.

Aizawa let off, even offering a hand to help him u[. "But I was serious about Nezu. He was already curious about you, but your analysis left him fascinated."

Izuku swallowed thickly. He had come to know that the attention of U.A.'s principal was by no means a good thing. "So what does that mean?"

"It means we're done for today," Aizawa said, rolling his shoulders. "If you're up to it, Nezu has invited you for tea just about now. It's up to you whether or not to accept the invitation, but I would remind you that Nezu has been gracious enough to allow you the use if U.A. property."

As terrifying as the prospect was, Izuku couldn't deny his curiosity. "Which way to his office?"

The principal's office was impressive, but simple as U.A. in general seemed to be. The principal of indeterminate species glanced up from his paperwork when the door opened. "Ah, Mr. Midoriya. I was wondering whether or not you would accept my offer."

"At the very least I should thank you for allowing me to train on school property with school staff even though I am not one of your students," Izuku said, trying not to sound as flustered as he felt.

"I've been curious about you ever since I was approached about training you not only by Recovery Girl, but Eraserhead as well," Nezu said, motioning for Izuku to sit down. "Naturally I had also been informed about the new Provisional Police Badge program that currently has exactly one participant, and Dr. Meiji has been bragging about the pupil he snagged out from under my nose. Imagine my surprise when I learned that all of these monumental achievements belong to the same fifteen-year-old. I can't express how right Meiji is - it really is a shame that I wasn't able to welcome you into U.A. as one of our students. But no matter, it appears you're being trained properly on multiple accounts. As I'm sure Aizawa has told you, I've seen your analysis of him, and I'm fascinated. Would you care for a conversation over tea?"

"I'd be delighted," Izuku said cautiously, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He'd heard too many stories about the principal for there not to be another shoe.

"I've heard about you from many people, Midoriya. You've been taken on by a number of pro heroes that wish to train you, even outside of Eraserhead and Recovery Girl, and you've taken down the Hero Killer Stain yourself. Why not try to become a hero?" Nezu asked.

"When I was younger I wanted nothing more," Izuku admitted. "But there's no way that you don't know that I'm quirkless, Principal Nezu."

"And there's no way that you don't know by now that you easily could have become a hero without a quirk," Nezu countered. "You've easily proven yourself more capable that some of our own hero course students."

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