Chapter 21

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"Izuku, Detective Tsukauchi just got here!" Inko called up the stairs.

He popped his head out the door in surprise. "Really? Why is the Detective here? I thought I was still grounded."

"He says that he needs you to fill something out at the station," Inko said. "I also need to come in case there are any parental permission issues, so put on your pants and come on."

After the incidents at the training camp, Izuku had been strictly forced to relax. All of the adults in his life had banded together, removing any things in his life that seemed like "work." He wasn't allowed anywhere near a police station, Valiant's training hall, or anything that could be misconstrued as analyzing a quirk.

It was torture. It had been all of three days and Izuku felt like he was going insane. He had done all of the laundry, washed all of the dishes, broken a few dishes... There just wasn't enough to occupy him, and all of his attempts to do anything else were quickly thwarted.

This meant that he jumped at the chance to go to the police station— he missed the officers and the sense of community that came with them. Even if he spent the entire time filling out paperwork— or heck, even scrubbing toilets— Izuku wasn't going to waste the chance.

Detective Tsukauchi was waiting in their living room when Izuku came spilling out of his room and down the stairs. He smiled at the sight, dipping his head. "Midoriya, you're looking eager."

"He's been a bit twitchy the past forty-eight hours," Inko confided. "I caught him chanting the various quirk classes and sub-classes to himself in his sleep."

"Mom," Izuku whined, feeling his cheeks flush. "I'm sure the detective doesn't want to hear about that, let's just go."

"Little Midoriya is right, we're on a tight schedule today," Tsukauchi said, opening the door. "After you, Mrs. Midoriya."

The drive over to the station was short but pleasant. Tsukauchi was happy to hear about what Izuku had been doing in his free time, much of which had been dedicated to assuring Inko that the cut through his eyebrow did not need to be rebandaged or seen by a doctor again. When he wasn't washing dishes and doing laundry, that was.

He briefly noticed the unusual number of cars outside the police station, but before he could comment on them, Izuku was ushered inside. Mori was sulking at the front desk, probably taking over for Sansa after losing the last round of poker. When Izuku waved, the man simply looked away, pretending not to see him. As per usual, Mori was the pinnacle of maturity.

"We don't want to disrupt the normal flow of the station, so I'll have you take care of this in the back room. Go ahead of me, I'll be there in a moment. You as well, Mrs. Midoriya."

The mother and son made their way to the room, Izuku practically bouncing in excitement. Maybe he could get his hands on a case file or two to solve. He found himself opening the door of the dark room with a sort of reverence, nearly falling over when he was greeted with a deafening shout.


A light flicked on, and the sheer mass of people inside was a bit overwhelming. They were all people he knew — and they were all people he loved. All of the police officers aside from Mori were there, radios ready lest a call comes in, but they were there. Mixed among them were police officers from other stations, Kimiko and her mother, a variety of pro-heroes, and a scattering of students his age. He barely registered Shinsou sliding his sunglasses over his eyes, mouthing, "Too bright." Along with the people, the room was packed with decorations, with tattered paper streamers stretching across the ceiling, along with birthday balloons, get-well-soon balloons, and even a few hero balloons.

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