Chapter 27

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Izuku and Todoroki-Shoto, now, just Shoto-talked and texted as much as they could, but Todoroki had school, and police work was only getting more demanding by the day. They were finding an odd friendship that neither knew quite what to do with, but each would defend it, and the other person, with their life.

But Izuku couldn't rest easy, there was too much hanging over his head. They had gotten all of Endeavor's paperwork filed and taken care of. With a few calls to the right people, it was processed and Shoto was officially free. Now Izuku was able to direct his worry to the mountain of other things he frequently concerned himself with.

Knowing that he was potentially going undercover, Izuku threw his whole being into his efforts. His analyses were better than ever. He spent longer training than ever before, gaining proficiency with the katana which was frankly shocking. There was this mysterious drive to get better, to do better. It was like he could feel someone calling out to him in desperation.

That said, Izuku had fully expected the call when the time came, but he still found himself surprised and terrified when it was staring him in the face. He was called into Detective Tsukauchi's office unexpectedly one day, and he immediately knew what was going on.

"Have a seat, Midoriya, you're going to be here for a while," Tsuramagae said in his trademark calm manner.

"It's nice to see you again, Chief," Izuku said faintly. "What can I do for you today?"

"We have a ruff-quest for you, Midoriya," he said, making steady eye contact. "Before we go into detail, rest assured that you are not required to say yes to this. Personally, I didn't want to ask you this, but here we are. Detective Tsukauchi has been working with the case, so he'll explain the issue."

The detective was sitting rigidly in his chair, discomfort radiating off of him. "It has been decided," he said woodenly, "that you would make a good candidate to go undercover on one of our most dangerous ongoing investigations. The subject at hand is the Shie Hassaikai, one of the most prolific branches of the Yakuza. We don't know very much about them or their motives, but this man is their leader, a man named Overhaul."

Izuku felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at the photo of a man with piercing golden eyes and a plague mask.

"If you accept the role, you will be integrated into the Shie Hassaikai to learn as much as you can about them and their plans for the future. This is incredibly dangerous. If you are found out, you will almost definitely die."

He couldn't look away from the photograph. Something about the man felt oppressively sinister, but it also solidified his resolve somehow. Izuku could tell from the look in Detective Tsukauchi's eyes that he was urging Izuku to decline the proposition, say no and continue on like normal.

But he couldn't. Meeting Tsuramagae's eyes, he unflinchingly said, "I accept. I'll do it."

"Don't feel rushed into it, Midoriya," Tsukauchi said a bit desperately. "You're not being pressured to go."

"I know, Detective," Izuku said. "But I don't think I can live with myself if I decide not to go."

"Paw-fect, Midoriya," Tsuragamae said with a sage nod. "Preparations will begin tomorrow.

Tsukauchi rose from his chair. "I'll see you out, Chief. Midoriya, you stay here. I need a word."

Izuku nodded, swallowing heavily. This conversation wasn't going to be a pleasant one.

He could hear Tsukauchi escort the chief away, but it was the sound of the detective coming back that Izuku dreaded. It came too soon, and the detective's face was almost terrifyingly blank.

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