Chapter 37

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Both his family and his coworkers wanted to throw a "real" celebration for his promotion, but it wasn't meant to be. His being appointed as a detective coincided with a spike in crime the likes of which hadn't been seen since the days before All might. Between his schoolwork and detective work, Izuku's days were full.

And it appeared that they were only going to get fuller. About a month into things, Naomasa called Izuku into his office with that pinched look he got whenever upper management wanted to send Izuku into a highly dangerous situation.

"Please, sit down, Izuku," Naomasa said, kneading his temples. "I'm sure you've noticed the unrest in town lately, it's pretty much impossible to miss. Two rival gangs are particularly concerning to the upper management, and they want to send you undercover among them."

"So am I supposed to join the Viper Gang or Dead Eyes?" Izuku asked, barely even blinking at the information.

"We're sending an undercover agent to both, but this will be the other candidate's first mission, so he'll be going to Dead Eyes. If you go-"

"So Viper Gang for me. That's probably for the best, that would be a lot of chaos for a newbie to deal with. So how long do we think this mission is going to be? Eri has-"

"-a dance recital next month, I know. The whole station has known for weeks. Things are heating up quickly, which makes it risky. We just want you to get enough information to be able to take them down before things escalate too far. And neither gang is as... centralized as the Shie Hassaikai were, so you'll have a lot more wiggle room than you did then."

"So I could probably do some home visits this time around?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, you'll be able to visit your family this time," Naomasa said with a sigh. "I suppose it would be no use at this point to tell you that I personally recommend taking this job."

"You would be correct. But don't worry about me, I'll make sure that I stay as safe as I can."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Tsukauchi snorted. "But please do try to limit the damage you take this round. Think of your mother's heart."

"Your guilt-tripping has gotten a lot better. If you had brought up Eri I might have actually hesitated to take the job." Izuku drummed his fingers on the desk between them. "So is there anything unusual about the job I should know?"

"The officer assigned to Dead Eyes is a rookie, he's only been out of the Academy for a few months. Ordinarily, we wouldn't put someone out with so little experience, but he's our only willing participant that's in the right age demographic. He'll be here shortly so you can give him some pointers and plan on how you're going to coordinate your efforts."

Izuku took his time flipping through the file. "I hate seeing someone so young being put on the front lines like that. He looks like a baby."

Naomasa stared at him flatly. "The fact that you see no irony in that statement means it's time for you to get out of my office."

Snatching the file, Izuku smiled angelically. "Blame it on Sir Nighteye, he's the one who got me in too deep. I can't just stop being Deku."

"But you can care more about your well-being. Now shoo, you have detective duties to attend to."

Saluting, he strolled one door over into his own office. Even though he'd only had it for a few weeks, it was fully decorated, courtesy of Eri and Inko collaborating with a number of the officers. Stain's sword was proudly hung on the wall, only outshone by the numerous pictures Eri had drawn for him. Inko had gotten him a coat rack specifically to hang up the coat the station had gifted him. There were several other chairs for when he had to speak to others, but they were usually covered in quirk analysis that he needed to mail off.

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