Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys! I've hit an awesome spot of motivation and I've got quite a few chapters that I'm going to be posting throughout the next couple of weeks. I also want to give my thanks to @AbratheGoobier1 and @SatansTrueSon for being so supportive and just awesome readers!

Early Monday morning, Officer Sohma arrived at the Midoriya household to pick up Izuku for this week's assigned post. He was kind of excited for the trip, it would be a nice break from the chaos of the last few months. Maybe the smaller, slow-paced station would be just what Izuku needed. 

He didn't know Officer Sohma very well, but the man had always been kind to Izuku. He imagined that his relationship with Sohma was similar to what most people experienced with their grandparents. That said, after a few awkwardly silent minutes, Sohma was able to get Izuku talking. In true grandfather form, he was able to get Izuku to talk about his hopes, his dreams, his interests, even some things that Izuku had never told his mother. When he got started in on quirk analysis, it was clear that he had lost the man, but Sohma still made an effort to understand, which warmed Izuku beyond anything he'd ever felt before. 

In turn, Izuku asked about Sohma. He had been at the station the longest - actually, he had started his career at that very station. His quirk was called Icy Gale, meaning he could summon frigid gusts of wind. He credited his quirk  for being the reason he met his wife. It had been a particularly hot summer day and she had feigned interest in him to have access to the cold air. He had been fully aware that she was using him, and he let it happen, bargaining for at least one date out of the exchange. Now they had three kids and seven grandkids. 

By the end of the car ride, Sohma was ready to adopt Izuku. He admired the boy's resilience, and swore that one day he would find who had hurt the boy so deeply and give them a firm talking to before turning them over to Naomasa. 

Izuku's greeting at the new station was... underwhelming. All four of their officers were working that day to meet him, Chief Urushihara, a portly Officer Hanazawa, and the married couple, Officers Abeno. He learned that he would be staying at the Chief's home through the duration of his stay. Urushihara began talking about all the different things that they would do with and teach to Izuku as Sohma bud him farewell, telling him that Tamakawa would be here to pick him up Friday afternoon. 

Excitement built in Izuku along with his nervousness as he waved Sohma goodbye. He filed in after the Abenos, the two tripping over themselves to question him about his exploits thus far. They listened to him intently as he told his story and Hanazawa feigned disinterest, occasionally sniffing in disdain. 

When he finished talking, Izuku found himself nervously adjusting his fanny pack. He'd brought it on Tsukauchi's recommendation, but he rarely went anywhere without it. For some reason, he'd found himself bringing his replacement medical pack, but it gave him some comfort having it near. "So what are we doing today?"

Urushihara settled himself into a chair that was perfectly molded to him - it was hard to distinguish where Urushihara began and the chair ended. "You've already had plenty of excitement today, so we're going to take it easy. Come on Midoriya, put your feet up. My wife will be here shortly with lunch." 

Izuku glanced around, surveying the goings on. One of the Abenos was yelling at Hanazawa to finish his paperwork from two months ago while the other organized a file cabinet. His excitement diminished considerably as he realized just how this particular station was run. The chief went on some tangent about the sacred duties and responsibilities of a police officer before settling in further to begin reading the newspaper. 

It was clear the station was only running because of the Abenos. Izuku had thought that this particular placement had been to get him away from villain activity for a while, but Tsuragamae might have had some ulterior motives in addition to that. This station was a disaster. At one point the Abenos asked if they could take Izuku to the shooting range to get him started on training, but Urushihara just waved a hand. "Don't overwhelm the boy, he's already had a big day. He needs time to adjust, we'll start his gun training on Wednesday."

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