Chapter 4

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"Midoriya, wait!"

Izuku stopped, turning to find a friendly face pursuing him. "Oh, Ojiro! I forgot to ask you how the entrance exam went!"

The quiet blond moved in next to Izuku with a smile. "It went better than I expected. Now I just have to wait for my results."

"I'm sure you got in, you're amazing!" Izuku exclaimed. 

"I don't know, there were some amazing quirks. I thought I was doing okay, but there was this kid with an explosion quirk that took out so many of the robots that the rest of us almost couldn't find any to fight." Ojiro smiled a little sadly. "I knew I wasn't going to be the best, I just hope I did well enough to get in."

"What's done is done, young Ojiro. I'm sure you conducted yourself with honor," Valliant said, appearing in the doorway of the dojo. "You as well, young Midoriya. Both of you go home, rest. You've earned it."

As the two boys walked home, a few blocks away one Detective Tsukauchi sat in his office, rubbing his eyes from the mound of paperwork that sat in front of him. With a sigh, he set down the paperwork and started clicking through the news, looking for the latest events All Might had been involved in. The announcement that the Number One Hero was going to be a teacher at U.A. had overshadowed all other news, including the recent kidnapping and recovery of Tanaka Kimiko. 

Toshinori's face filled the screen again and again, similar stories of the blond's bravery and heroism filtering through. It was paranoia that led Naomasa to periodically check the news to see that his good friend's secret was secure. He wanted to protect Toshinori, yes, but  it was also a matter of national security. 

He didn't know what made him do it, but something possessed Naomasa to click on a video from months ago. It was a video if Toshinori saving a boy from a sludge villain. Tsukauchi had been particularly busy with a case at that time, so he hadn't watched the video very closely. 

The video opened with the image of a blond kid struggling in the grasp of the sludge villain while a number of pro heroes hung back, looking helpless. Somewhere behind the camera was a scuffle and then a flash of green darted towards the villain, a scrawny boy flinging an oversized backpack into the villain's face. 

Naomasa paused the video with shaking hands, staring at the screen. Slowly standing, he slipped out of his office. "Saito, Nakamura, I need an opinion on something."

"Watcha got, boss?" Saito asked, immediately snapping to attention. 

"Just come watch this."

The two officers shuffled in, crowding around the computer where the detective had started the video over. 

"I remember this," Nakamura said. "All Might saves the kid, but wasn't there another..."

"No. You're kidding," Saito whispered. "It can't be."

"Thank goodness, I'm not crazy. You see Midoriya too?" Tsukauchi asked. 

"We need to train that kid and give him a badge," Nakamura said. "He's going to be amazing."

"Why don't we?" Saito said playfully. "They let baby heroes have a provisional licenses, why not us too?"

She had asked the question in jest, but Tsukauchi froze in place, his mind racing. "A provisional officer... I have some paperwork to do," he said, shooing the other two away. Picking up the phone, once the other person answered, he said, "It's Detective Tsukauchi. Who would I have to talk to about potentially begin a new program?"

Days later found the Midoriya  family in Izuku's room at an hour yet untouched by the son. However, both Midoriyas were wide awake, and Inko stared intently at the screen of her son's laptop. "And you sweat you didn't pull any all-nighters?"

Detective MidoriyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora