Chapter 39

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The Viper Gang was nothing like the Shie Hassaikai. It was almost laughable how easy it was to infiltrate the group - he didn't even get a decent fight out of it.

They were woefully unorganized, but they were dangerous in a different way than most of the people Izuku had dealt with undercover. While the majority of the Viper Gang were largely unskilled and untrained, there was a stunning number of them. Like the mythological hydra, if you took one of them down, there were two more gang members there to take their place, armed and desperate.

These were people who had largely given up. They felt they served no purpose in life, so they were sent out with illegal firearms. It was a community of the weak, the desperate, and the hopeless.

It was almost sad how poorly hidden their base of operations was. Izuku had been given the information, but even if he hadn't, the creepy abandoned warehouse with the Viper Gang symbol spray painted across the bricks would have been one of the first places he decided to check.

Slipping inside didn't prove difficult at all. In fact, a timid teenager took one look at his katana and held the door open for Deku.

Inside gang members milled around everywhere. All ages and types laughed, fought, and shouted together. It was complete chaos, but it could be navigated.

Walking through, the hierarchy of the gang was obvious. The attitudes between the higher and lower-ranking members were night and day. Or in this case, it was the difference between the scared boy who opened the door for Izuku and the man who stepped into his path casually slapping a baseball bat against his hand.

"And just what do you think you're doing here?" he asked in a gravelly voice.

Deku barely glanced up to meet the man's gaze, quirking an eyebrow. "And who are you that think you deserve an answer?"

"Mouthy. That's not a very smart thing to be here," he growled, advancing. "Let me show you how things work around here, little boy."

He pulled his arm back, telegraphing his movements in the worst way. His bat met Deku's sword, and the sword won."

"You don't want to continue this," Deku promised, while the man stared at where half of his bat lay on the ground. "Where's your leader? I have things to discuss with her."

Unexpectedly, the man bristled. "You may be stronger than me, but-"

"Calm yourself, Hanada," a sharp voice called. The crowd parted for a tall, regal woman covered in scales. "If pressed, he could likely kill every person in this room. At the very least, Deku could dismantle this entire organization in an afternoon."

The warehouse fell silent as the name "Deku" reverberated through the place, people staring at him in a mixture of awe and horror. Deciding to capitalize on the momentum, he sheathed his sword and said, "Fukuoka Yuki, or should I call you Viper? You are the namesake of the gang, after all. At least you seem well-informed."

"Forgive my subordinates, sir," she said. Her posture was perfect, but Izuku could see the panic in her eyes. "They're young, and they don't know enough about how the world works."

"It's already forgotten, given that it isn't repeated," Deku said, voice cold. "They'll have to learn the nature of things quickly if I'm going to offer my services."

"Offer your services?" Viper asked, pulling back slightly.

"Viper Gang has potential," he said nonchalantly. "I've heard about your current conflict with Dead Eyes. It would be counterproductive for me if they come out on top, so I'm offering my expertise."

"And we gladly accept, Deku sir," she said. "And we will help you with whatever you may need, just say the word."

"You'll serve your purpose in time," he said dismissively. "For now I need to hear any and all plans you have to attack Dead Eyes."

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