Chapter 6

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Ojiro smiled at his friend. "Thanks, Midoriya. You're a lifesaver."

"Just remember what sensei said about using your tail like that," Izuku said firmly. "It's flexible, but you have to be careful not to overextend it."

"I know," the blond groaned. "I just got caught up in the moment."

"Do you have any injuries?" Izuku asked the bird-headed boy. 

"Naught affects my immortal soul," he intoned. 

A bird-like shadow burst from the boy. "He's too embarrassed to tell you that he tripped on some rubble and scraped his hands and knees really badly."

"Dark Shadow," the boy hissed in betrayal, but  Izuku was already pulling out bandages and disinfectant. 

"Don't worry, I promise I've done things a hundred times more embarrassing. Just ask Ojiro." 

"It's true."

Tokoyami allowed Izuku to begin treating his scrapes, glancing between Ojiro and Izuku. "You said your name was Midoriya?" 


"You're quite the interesting character. It's rare to find certified medical personnel at such a young age. Yet on top of that, you seem to have already fostered a relationship with the police officers present. I feel that you have quite the tale to tell, Midoriya."

"Oh, it's nothing too interesting, nothing compared to your quirk," Izuku said, watching Dark Shadow with bright eyes. "I've never seen anything like it. Does-" 

"Little Midoriya!" one of the officers interrupted, looking incredibly weary. 'The detective wants to see you once you're finished here."

He nodded at the officer, an older gentleman with a twinkle in his eye despite how tired he seemed. "I'll go find him, thanks Officer Sohma." Placing the last bandage on Tokoyami's knee, the boy smiled ruefully. "I need to remember I'm here for a job. It was a pleasure meeting you, Tokoyami. If we ever meet when I'm on duty, I would love to ask you about your quirk. Ojiro, see you tomorrow." 


Ojiro and Tokoyami watched silently as Midoriya left to seek out the detective, pausing only to hunt down a blanket so Hagakure had something to wear other than her gloves and shoes. He was making a beeline for the detective when he spotted Todoroki attempting to dress his own wounds. 

"What an interesting specimen of light," the bird-headed boy said, red eyes fixed in the green-haired one. 

"Yeah, you could say that," Ojiro said, his lips upturned as he watched his friend. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Izuku nearly screeched at Todoroki. 

"I'm applying bandages," the boy said with no emotion whatsoever. 

"By yourself? You just went through a traumatic experience and you're surrounded by trained medical personnel," Izuku lectured, taking the bandages out of the boy's hands. He carefully unraveled what had already been wrapped. "Wrapping something like this properly is almost impossible to do on your own." 

"I'll be fine either way, I'm going to see Recovery Girl any minute now." 

"You can't always rely on healing quirks. Recovery Girl won't always be there, you need to... " Izuku trailed off, examining the boy's arms. "You're covered in burns and bruises, but there's no way these happened today unless you have some sort of self-healing quirk." 

"I never said I got wounded today." 

The smaller boy looked into the different-colored eyes, a deep sadness shining in his green ones. He unconsciously patted Todoroki's arm as some sort of gesture of comfort before hardening his mouth in a line. "These are never going to heal properly if you keep wrapping them like this. I'll show you how to do it on yourself, but if you can't do it right, you have to find someone help you." 

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