Chapter 10

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Izuku soon found that his conversations with Dr. Meiji fell into the same pattern most of the time. It was nice communicating with him in person rather than solely over email.

But no matter the topic, the two would talk so animatedly and extensively that their analysis was so complex and involved that they barely understood it, let alone everyone else. During one of their sessions, a grad student had walked into Meiji's office with a question. He had only listened for few seconds, eyes wide until he scuttled away, claiming that he would be back later.

Dr. Meiji noticed this as well. He was deep in thought one morning when he said," Midoriya, I have a new challenge for you. I want you to start doing a brief analysis on the people close to you. Your strength lies in the way you can discern so much about a person from idle observation, but that's not always practical. If you're helping a hero or the police force, they won't always have the time to read a twenty page analysis. Your challenge is to make these no longer than a single page, but with all of the most important information."

Izuku thought it over a minute before nodding. "That makes sense."

The professor smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "I have a class soon, and you've got patrol this evening with police, don't you? You don't want to be late."

They parted ways, and Izuku only paused at his room long enough to grab his EMT pack before running out to the waiting police car. It wasn't really necessary for patrol, but Izuku liked to carry it, it gave him peace of mind knowing that he was better prepared to help someone should the need arise. Between the EMT pack and the Don't Rape Me kit, Izuku felt prepared for whatever may come. He had no idea how wrong he was.

The officers waiting for him were ones he'd met before: Mao was in his mid-twenties with a quirk that made his teeth razor-sharp, and his partner Ashia was cool-headed with a stamina enhancement quirk. Ashia reminded Izuku a little bit of Kondo, but his glare didn't have nearly the same impact as hers did. The two greeted Izuku as he climbed into the car, genuinely happy to see him. Ashia, said, "You get to pick where we're patrolling tonight. We're extraneous, so we can patrol anywhere within our zone."

Izuku thought of the news he'd been analyzing that very morning - he was sure the Hero Killer, Stain was still in Hosu. The man likely didn't fight well against groups of people, so it would probably be safe enough to go...

"Can we patrol this area of town?" Izuku asked, pointing to a specific area on the paper map Mao held.

"It's a pretty quiet area, but whatever you want, Midoriya," Mao said.

For whatever reason Izuku felt a deep sense of foreboding, but it also came with the sense that someone needed his help. To distract himself, Izuku instead thought about his EMT pack - it would be too cumbersome to carry when he became a fully-fledged police officer, but if he could compress it to, say, a fanny pack...

Mao broke him from his ponderings. "We know how much you like heroes, so if you wanted to see him, we could probably catch Native on his patrol. This is his part of town."

"I would love to meet him! I have some questions about his quirk."

Smiling fondly at the boy's excitement, Mao told Ashia to pull over. They had been together for patrols the past few days, and the officers were growing even fonder of the kid. Both found themselves shaking their heads at Izuku's insistence to bring his EMT pack.

Mao raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate how prepared you're trying to be, Midoriya, but it seems just as excessive as it has the other nights."

"Well I can't do much to help with police work until I finish the Academy, so I'll help this way," Izuku said brightly/

Detective MidoriyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora