Chapter 13

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Somehow Shinsou looked even more exhausted than usual when he opened the front door. Violet eyes landed on the excited face of Izuku briefly before the door almost immediately closed on his face. 

Izuku blinked, but before he could really question what had just happened, Shinsou reappeared with sunglasses in place. "Now I can handle your smile. Let's go, Sunshine Child." 

"I can't wait!" Izuku said, practically bouncing along the pavement. 

"Are you going taser shopping? You'd probably get some free stuff. a new self-defense store opened in the mall, and they say that you're the reason business is booming. They even sell those awful fanny packs that you love so much," Shinsou said, eyeing the offensive article in question.

"It was a gift," he said, adjusting the Save My Fanny Pack - he preferred that name, especially when he was wearing it with one of his labelled t-shirts. It fit with the puns on them. He just had to be careful to call it the Don't Rape Me Kit in front of Saito and Sasaki. 

"It looks like a bruised banana fused onto your waist," Shinsou deadpanned.

"What was that? You want one for Christmas?"

"Midoriya, you wouldn't," Shinsou said in a warning voice. Izuku said nothing, only walking faster. Worried, Shinsou also picked up the pace. "Midoriya! Get your broccoli butt back here!"

Breaking into a run, Izuku sprinted through the mall entrance, expertly dodging the hordes of people. But Shinsou wasn't far behind. Dashing around the mall courtyard, he turned back to taunt, "I think lime green would really make your eyes pop!"

"Midoriya, I swear I'm going to- wait, watch out!"

Just as Shinsou called out, Izuku felt, or rather, didn't feel his foot strike the ground. Stairs. He had survived the sludge villain, a kidnapper, and even the Hero Killer, but he was going to meet his end via stairs. Izuku readied himself for the fall that would break a bone and finally make the police station get him a protective bubble, but it never came. 

He hadn't realized he closed his eyes until he opened them back up - he felt odd, weightless, and standing in front of him was-

"Sorry I just used my quirk like that," said Uraraka. "I figured you wouldn't want to fall. Oh, I know you! Hi, Midoriya!"

Izuku easily got his feet under hi, once more and she released her quirk, returning Izuku's world back to normal/ 

"Thanks for the save, your quirk really is amazing!" Izuku gushed, hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt. 

"I mean, I already knew that, but-"

"Hey, Midoriya," Ojiro interrupted, sensing that he was about to get lost in a more embarrassing tangent than usual. "What brings you to the mall?"

Izuku cleared his throat, thankful for the direction in conversation. "Oh, nothing in particular, I just had some free time for once, so I convinced Shinsou to come with me..." he trailed off awkwardly, suddenly noticing the palpable tension between the 1-A students and Shinsou.

The boy in question didn't bother to take off his sunglasses, he just lazily glanced at them over the frames. "At ease, 1-A. I'm not here to fight you, Besides, Midoriya is a bit of a stickler for following quirk laws. I supposed your class is here to get ready for your mysterious summer camp."

He had recognized a few students from 1-A, but seeing the majority of the class there made Izuku's mouth go dry. "O-oh, you must be waiting for your other classmates, then."

"Just Ashido and Tokoyami," Ojiro said. "Bakugou and Todoroki aren't coming."

A redhead with remarkably sharp teeth broke into the conversation before anyone but Ojiro and Shinsou could pick up on Izuku's relief. "Midoriya... You're the guy who took down Stain, aren't you? That's super manly, bro! How do you know Ojiro and Uraraka?"

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