Chapter 23

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Izuku took to police work almost seamlessly - indeed, it was so easy that the police officers, Tsukauchi in particular, couldn't help but feel suspicious. Things never went this smoothly, especially if Izuku was involved. No one had been injured in the process of his firearm training, or his sword training with Valiant aside from a few bruises. In fact, the boy showed an innate talent for both.

This should have comforted Naomasa, but somehow it made things worse. He couldn't forget his conversation with Sir Nighteye, it haunted him more often than he would like to admit. Sir had petitioned Tsuragamae for the aid of Izuku, and they would be hearing back on the decision by week's end. A storm was brewing, and Naomasa prayed Midoriya wouldn't fall victim to it.

But the boy deserved to know what was going on, and that was why he ended up calling Midoriya into his office that fateful morning. He smiled at the detective, but Midoriya was clearly apprehensive. "You called for me, Detective?"

"Sit down, Midoriya. You're not in trouble, I promise. We just have some serious matters to discuss."

The boy sagged in relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Mori told me... but of course it isn't true, you would have-"

"Are you with me, Midoriya?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good," Naomasa said, making a mental note to interrogate Mori later. "Midoriya, how do you feel about becoming an undercover cop?"

The boy cocked his head. "It intrigues me, and I am curious about potentially having an underground persona. I think it will help a lot of our investigations once I've had enough training."

"Midoriya, you deserve to know this: as of right now, you are the top candidate to go undercover for a mission dealing with the Yakuza. Nothing has been officially decided, but there's a high possibility you'll be asked to do this. Talk it over with your mother. By no means do you have to say yes, you have a few weeks, if not a month before you'll have to make a decision. I just want you to have time to think it over."

Izuku was stunned. "Why would they choose me? I'm just a rookie!"

"You've impressed the hero leading the whole operation. Besides, you would be perfect for this particular job for a variety of reasons. Legally I can't go into those details until you're formally being informed of the job, though," Tsukauchi said.

"I understand."

Naomasa took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair. "So tell me, Midoriya, how are things going? We haven't had the chance to-"

Before Tsukauchi could finish his statement, Nakamura burst into the room, breathless. The officer cut off the detective's protest with, "I'm sorry sir, but we have a code 303."

"A 303? Who would bring a-"

"No sir, not that 303. You know," Nakamura said, staring at Tsukauchi intently, "a 303."

The detective paled visibly over a manner of seconds. "Nakamura, hold her off as long as possible. Midoriya, hide under my desk and no matter what happens, don't come out until I give you the all clear."

"What? Why?" Izuku protested while Nakamura scurried away.

"There's no time, I promise I'll explain later," Tsukauchi said, dragging Izuku behind his desk.


"Get down and stay quiet. You'll understand later," Tsukauchi said frantically. "Just stay quiet."

Confused, Izuku did sink down to the ground, hugging his knees to his chest as he burrowed underneath the desk. He waited with bated breath, and before too long the door opened.

Detective MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now