Chapter 28

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The main compound of the Shie Hassaikai was simultaneously everything and nothing he expected. It was in a less reputable part of town, but the compound was quiet, organized, and clean. If it weren't for the sinister undercurrent surrounding the place, Izuku would have doubted that he was in the right place.

An unassuming man came out, eyes Izuku critically. "Can I help you? Offer directions, maybe?"

Izuku did everything he could to keep his face blank, even though the majority of it was covered by the medical mask. "I'm here to see Overhaul."

"Overhaul?" the man smiled nervously, his eyes flicking to the front door. "I think you're mistaken, we don't-"

"Enough," Izuku-no, Deku said flatly. "If I have to fight, I'll fight, but I will be speaking to Overhaul today."

Tension permeated the air as Izuku and the man stared down at one another. He didn't let his focus waver, even when he had to draw his sword to slice away the encroaching vines. So the man could control plants, Izuku had had his suspicions.

He smiled, and it wasn't a kind smile. The man couldn't see it, but he definitely picked up on the dangerous glimmer in Izuku's eyes. "So I am in the right place, perfect."

The man panicked, raising his arms as he redoubled his efforts, causing vines to converge on Izuku, trapping him on all sides. It should have been impressive and intimidating, but it only took a few sword strokes to eliminate the threat completely.

"I expected more," Izuku said. "I hope Overhaul isn't as disappointing, or I'll have to change my plans."

"Oh, I'm just beginning," the man snarled. Izuku could have easily taken the man out then and there, but it was more convenient to wait for the man to raise the alarm and then knock him out.

Fewer people came than Izuku expected, which really worked in his favor. He didn't want to have to use more than the sword in this initial altercation. His mind and sword were whirling, picking apart quirks and weaknesses, taking a good portion of the men down with a single hit from the flat of his blade. There were only three or so men, but it felt a little too easy.

He hesitantly sheathed his blade, keeping one hand on the handle just in case. Deku hung back from the doorway, sure that they weren't done yet. Sure enough, a hulking figure appeared - it was obvious that he was of a higher caliber than the other men, and a part of Izuku was secretly thrilled to have a challenge. Just looking at the man, Izuku would guess that he had a quirk dealing with crystals, probably fairly hard ones. "You're in the wrong place if you just want to pick a fight, kid."

"They attacked first," Deku said easily, sheathing his sword as a sign of goodwill. "I just want to talk to Overhaul. And don't try to tell me that I'm in the wrong place, you saw how that went over earlier."

The man looked him over critically. "And what would you want with Overhaul?"

"I hear he's doing something big, something that will give meaning to even my useless life," Deku said, inwardly recoiling at how right the words tasted on his lips.

The man's eyes widened just a bit. "Well, first you have to prove that you can be useful."

Before the man had even stopped speaking, he rushed Deku, wickedly sharp crystals protruding from his forearm. The crystals clanged harshly on the metal of the sword, leaving a deep gouge in the crystals.

Izuku couldn't help but mentally thank whoever had made this sword.

A certain light came into the man's eyes as he rushed Deku again, this time with a crystalline sword extending from his arm. The man was no amateur, that was for sure. He pattered the crystals so they were much more durable - they didn't shatter on impact.

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