Chapter 8

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"So I heard whispers about a provisional police officer," Gunhead said as casually as one could in the middle of an intensive sparring session.

Izuku huffed a laugh, barely audible over his panting. "You're not going to distract me." Lightning quick, he blocked the killer strike that would have felled most men. "But I'm not an officer yet, I'm just going through the Police Academy."

Taking a step back, the two fighters circled one another, something predatory in their stances. "I noticed Ojiro wasn't on your list of interns." In the blink of an eye, Izuku lunged for Gunhead, hoping to throw the man off guard.

He should have know it would never work. The pro hero saw it coming a mile away, catching Izuku's arm and using it to fling him onto the mat, his back making an impressively loud slapping noise.

A squeak sounded from the doorway, making both fighters look. A group of kids that Izuku recognized as some of Gunhead's dojo students stood with a few hero students. It was hard to tell since Izuku was looking at them upside down. He narrowed his eyes. The girl in front looked familiar.

It was the girl Saito and Sasaki had teasingly been calling his girlfriend since the USJ incident. He had made the mistake of watching the Sports Festival with the police station, and whenever she did anything, the two extolled the virtues of strong women to a degree that made Izuku want to die. Surprisingly, i those moments the most bearable officer was Mori, as he just shushed everyone else.

Izuku wondered whether or not he would be he would be able to convince Gunhead to keep quiet about all of this. If Izuku didn't interfere, Gunhead would tell Valiant, who would tell Officer Sohma, as the two had a history of working together in the prime of their careers. Sohma would gush about it to the rest of the officers, which would be an absolute nightmare. Sasaki and Saito were already practically engraving wedding invitations for Izuku and the girl, based on their short interaction after the USJ incident.

Once Detective Tsukauchi heard, he would take it upon himself to have an awkward conversation with Izuku about girls and the proper way to approach such situations, which Izuku was definitely not ready for. (When Tsukauchi had learned about Izuku's total lack of paternal direction, he had taken it upon himself to give him the lessons that men needed most.) Then somehow in the midst of it all his mom would find out, which would lead to a lot of tears and an even more awkward conversation.

Gunhead had to be stopped at all costs.

Not that Izuku didn't like her based off of their short interaction, she was actually a really cute girl - was it offensive to call an aspiring hero cute? The point was that the girl had likely been in shock when they had met, and he had been nervous over his first EMT call, and-

"Midoriya," Gunhead interrupted in a murmur, low enough that only Izuku could hear, holding out a hand to help the boy up. "Are you okay? You're muttering, you haven't done that in a while."

As he clambered to his feet, all of his blood rushed to Izuku's face, which was turning a bright red color that tomatoes would be jealous of. "Oh my gosh, you didn't actually hear what I said, did you? Did they? Oh no, you can't tell anyone at the station about this. Please Gunhead!"

After a moment, the pro hero realized just what was going on, somehow blushing through his mask. "Is it the hero intern? Do you think she's pretty?"

Izuku squeaked, burying his face in his hands while the students filed in, taking their places. Ochako hadn't caught any of what was being said, but it took everything in her not to react to how Gunhead and the boy he'd been sparring with were standing - their poses were just too cute!

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