Chapter 2

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True to Inko's word, the family of two soon moved to a modest house on the other side of town. It was closer to where Inko worked, a quieter neighborhood, and most importantly it was free of one Bakugou Katsuki.

Once Izuku had recovered mentally and physically, he began online school and found that he enjoyed it immensely. Izuku had always loved learning, but it was indescribably better when it was unhindered by classmates who didn't feel he belonged. It was also an online school that allowed the students to set their own pace, and as such Izuku blew through it in record time. Now he could fixate on any given subject he wished and learn absolutely everything that the school's database had to offer, all without being called a freak.

For once, life was peaceful. Any issues with Kacchan had been buried- definitely unresolved, but stamped down until they couldn't bother Izuku. Inko had wanted to take the Bakugou family to court, but Izuku had talked her out of it. He had never told his mother the full extent of the bullying, so he was able to downplay a lot of it. Strangely enough, he had forgiven the boy for everything, and he just couldn't shake the feeling that Kacchan had the potential to be a great hero one day. Even if it wasn't Izuku's future, he didn't want to take the chance away from his former friend.

As much as Izuku knew that Kacchan could be good, he didn't trust it to just happen. Izuku would be watching his hero career closely. If Kacchan didn't improve himself, he would have Izuku to answer to, one way or another.

Izuku enjoyed his new life, at least for now. He knew the charm of it would likely fade sooner rather than later, and that such a solitary lifestyle would only hurt him in the long run. He had accepted that heroism wasn't a possibility for him, but nothing had diminished the desire to help people. He still felt the overwhelming need to prove the world to be a safe place.

It had been a tough pill to swallow, but now Izuku saw that everything that All Might had said was for the boy's safety in the long run. A part of Izuku's mind whispered that he could've been a hero regardless, but maybe finding a different path wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. He would just have to do some exploration before he decided what that path would be.

As he settled into his new life, Izuku quickly found that if he didn't force himself into some sort of schedule he forgot to eat and sleep. He also figured that blowing through an entire semester of schoolwork in three weeks might not be the healthiest option.

With this in mind, Izuku began working towards being healthier. He had never been athletically inclined, but he realized that if he were stronger, faster, it would be easier for him to help people in the future. It began with the boy going on runs. At the beginning Izuku felt like he was going to die, but each day he ran a bit farther than the last, and a bit quicker as well.

On one of these runs he came across a dojo that advertised several different fighting styles. Remembering all the times Izuku had felt completely defenseless in his life, the idea of the dojo stuck in his mind. He hesitantly brought it up to his mother, who agreed more readily than Izuku had expected.

A few days later the two Midoriyas walked in to the dojo to find the owner cleaning up after the latest lesson. He was an older man who wore his scars and wrinkles with equal amounts of pride, a lifetime of fighting evident in his every movement.

Izuku gasped before immediately throwing himself into a bow. "You're the former pro-hero Valiant! It's an honor to meet you, sir!"

The man chuckled, a bit surprised. "It's rare that I meet anyone your age that has even heard of me, let alone recognizes not in costume. What can I do for you, boy?"

At Inko's nudge, Izuku eased out of his bow, admiration still clear on his face. "I'm Midoriya Izuku, Valiant, sir. I would like to be trained at your dojo - if you're okay with that, that is. If not I'm sure I could find somewhere eventually, but this really is my first-"

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